Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
When was the last time you used a Bandaid?


Dallas Meow said...

Saturday. I bought a new circular cutter for scrapbooking.
Was , uh, testing the blade. It looked so small, guess I thought it wasn't going to cut.
...nearly cut my finger off.
And all I could find was a half sticky hello kitty bandaid!

Mike said...

I honestly can't remember the last time. It's been a while though.

Jen said...

Today. . . I have horrible eczema and my hands crack and bleed and so I have to put bandaids on them. My thumb hurts really bad right now, but the bandaid is helping it feel better :)

Bethany said...

Yesterday- I put one on McKenna's finger at school... it's pretty much a daily thing for me ;)

Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago at work I was making a salad and cut myself with the knife.

poor man's nicole richie said...

last friday. I wear Bandaids to prevent blister from wearing uncomfy shoes. guess style doesn't always come with comfort. c",)
Morning Sniffles

poor man's nicole richie said...

sorry, that should have been "I wore" c",)
Morning Sniffles

Rebecca said...

I'd say within the past couple months, but I don't remember for sure when or why or where... :)

Dottie said...

Ummm... I have no idea. It's been a very long time.

Misty DawnS said...

Who needs bandaids??? ;-)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Uh...oh! I remember! It was when I stubbed my baby toe on the stone fireplace & nearly lost a chunk out of it. Ick, huh?

Anonymous said...

Last night! Wubby stabbed a steak knife through her hand (that's the way to learn you DON'T put the sharp ends UP in the dish washer!). She is wearing a lovely Shrek design.

bj said...

hmmmmm.....yesterday! To cover a boo-boo on my arm!
Hi, I'm bj and so glad to know you!
Pls. come over sometime and visit..I am going now to read the rest of your blog....
hugs, bj

Mom Knows Everything said...

I put a band-aid on hubby's finger yesterday. The poor baby had a boo boo. LOL

Travis Cody said...

Today! I have terrible dry skin and my fingers were splitting all day. So I used four of them and could have probably used six.