Friday, April 11, 2008

The Prognoses

We left my car with the mechanic a couple days ago. He called yesterday and said words we really didn't want to hear.. It needs a new transmission.

We're going to get it done but *ouch* this is really going to hurt the wallet.


bundle-o-contradictions said...

That's how I lost Georgie. We figured the whole car wasn't worth the cost of a transmission. I may or may not have had something to do with that. Good luck!

Unknown said...

My Olds Silhoutte van needs one, and they are called thor-away transmissions so you can't get a rebuild done, so we have to find that money. So Tink sits waiting.

Christie O. said...

ugh. i'm sorry. that stinks bigtime.

Sonny said...

Argh, that's no good news. We had to get a new timing belt for our car last year. So I know how your wallet feels... ;-)

&hearts Sonny

Mom Knows Everything said...

That sucks! One of my sisters (I have 3 sisters) boyfriend is our mechanic so we luckily get a good deal on that kind of stuff.

Misty DawnS said...

Your transmission... my taxes... good thing we have each other - we can cry over our financial woes together ;-)

Isn't ironic that the transmission and the taxes will cost about the same and we found out about them at the same time... you have now entered the Friend-Twilight-Zone do do doo doo

Bethany said...

Oh my-- I am so sorry. I hate car stuff!!!!!

My 100 Things About Me Meme is finally up-- feel free to stop by! Thanks for your help!

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

Ohhh ~ I feel your pain. I know it's hard to find the joy in it, BUT you don't have to get a new car at least! For that you can be thankful!

Seriously, though, I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope it won't hurt too much.