After blood work, x-rays and an ultrasound, the doctor came in to tell me I was going to be admitted for an inflamed pancreas. I told him I'd rather not stay because of my panic attacks. He went to call my primary physician who confirmed that. (Remember him? The one who now shows me right to a room so I don't have to get all freaked out in the waiting room?)
I was sent home with prescriptions for Prilosec and Vicodin. I'm on clear liquids for 24 hours. I'm to go right back if the pain become intolerable.
I spent most of the day on the couch. I won't lie. It hurts like hell. If anyone has ever had gallbladder problems, then you'll know what it feels like. On a scale of 1 to 10, it's about a 12.
No, I'm not "back" to blogging yet, but I had two posts to do today where I had to post a link. The link for this post is laptop.
I'm thinking of you and praying for you. It'll all be OK, because I already accidentally injured myself, which means you'll be all better very soon ;-)
you have my prayers too...I've been kinda out of the blog loop lately too...but wanted to stop by and wish you well!
I hope you get to feeling better quickly! Until then, I hope you are able to get comfy and relax.
Ouch! I hope you feel better soon (((hugs)))
I hope you feel better soon.
I hope you're feeling better soon. I'll be thinking of you.
Sending healing thoughts and positive prayers your way Barb.
I won't ramble on this comment -just to tell you I know where you're coming from, the pain, etc - had my gall bladder removed 28 years ago this past January and yes indeed, anything involving the gall bladder, pancreas inflammation are very, VERY painful! Just follow the dr's orders and get well as quickly as is in your system's time frame. This too will pass. Prayers and Peace, Baby!
Thanks for emailing me.
I really hope that you are able to continue to take it easy and get onto the road to recovery.
Oh Barb I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain honey. I'm sending you oodles of Reiki to you as I type. xx
Sending many prayers dearest. Allen had pancreatitis 3 times and I know how much pain he was in during that. Take care of yourself, so you don't end up in the hospital, please!
Ah, this is what Poor Hubby went through a last month. They did much the same for him & will keep monitoring him. His tummy still bothers him some, but he is feeling much better with the meds, so there's hope for you!! Feel better soon, my friend.
Ouch, that super sucks! I hope your feeling better soon! :)
OH NO! I am SO SORRY you are going through that! I can say from experience, it's awful awful awful!! I had horrible gall stones and some got stuck in my pancreas common bile duct and I got pancreatitis and it hurt SO BAD!!! All I can say is WORSE.PAIN.EVER!! I am so sorry! ((((HUGS)))) I hope you feel better soon.
Oh dear! I hope you're well again soon, I am so sorry you're in pain and going through this! I'm thinking of you!
Wishing you well. God bless.
Thinking of you and yours and sending peaceful and healing thoughts your way.
Pancreatitis is very painful.....please follow the doctors orders it's nothing to take lightly....you are in my thoughts and prayers.....hugs to you my friend...
That sucks big time...my g/f just had gallstones and it was excrutiating for her, so take the drugs & take some more, I say...curl up with a hot water bottle and the blogging can wait...love and light from Aus...x
Hope you feel better soon! I clearly remember my gall bladder pains from a few years ago. No fun. Take care and get better! ((HUGS))
feel better soon!
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