Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Is your home air-conditioned?


Rebecca said...

I have a wall unit in my bedroom. But there's only a 3 or 4 days a year when I actually use it. My apartment is very open with good air flow when doors and windows are opened, plus I prefer fresh air! :) And I get cold easily :)

Akelamalu said...

No we open the windows when it's warm and put the central heating on when it's cold!

Anonymous said...

Central Air

ShannonW said...

I have central air but it is broken so I have been using a window unit in my living room.

Kara said...

Yes, thank heavens! Our last house had no a/c and summer was awfu. Our new house has an evaporative cooler and it cools the house so well.

Jeni said...

Nope! (Bet you never thought you'd see the day I could give a one word answer, did ya? Had to throw in that little piece though.)

Mom Knows Everything said...

Not unless you count fans. LOL

Mike said...

Yes I do lol as you should well know!

Hootin Anni said...

Most definitely!! We couldn't survive down here in the tropical Texas coast without A.C.!!!

Barb....just wanted to let you know you have a surprise on my Wordless blog entry...scroll down!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

just stopping over to say hi and congrats on the Over 50 blogger of the month!! What an award!! I hav seen you on so many many blogs but have never stopped by..shame on me. Speaking of Air conditioning..Here in the deep south you fry without it. Ours is on the blink and we are going to have to invest in one soon.


Misty DawnS said...

Pffffft - does 'open construction' count? hehehe shup.

Anonymous said...

No - unless draughty windows count as air conditioning :). We have no real need for it here in the UK.

Christie O. said...

oh yes. i would DIE if it weren't (living in the hot humidity that is florida)

i would keep it in the 60s in here if i could.

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Does a swamp cooler count?

kay said...

AC--you bet. Here in south Alabama we would die without it. We had a 95 degree day in late May, and early June has seen 96. It's not even summer yet! Everything is air conditioned down here.