Monday, June 09, 2008

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
How old is your blog?


Anonymous said...

I've had my blog for five years now. A few months ago, I had a major spring clean, and got rid of about three years worth of posts. When I read through them - very few were worth keeping.

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Over a year.

Jen said...

5 months :)

Shadow said...

november 2 years...

Christie O. said...

since I changed blogs, it's younger than my new baby (about 5 months old).

Sonny said...

My older blog is about two years now. But I closed it and built up the new one. My first post in the new one was at 23rd of January.

&hearts Sonny

Smalltown RN said...

Like most I had an blog before my current blog...and I was part of a community even before I had my own I have been blogging for about 4 years...and I still haven't mastered this blogging world or html or anything....

Akelamalu said...

My blog is 15 months old and I can't believe that I've been blogging that long!

LarryG said...

quickie's make my blog older???

Anonymous said...

My current one I've had for about a year and a half. I've been blogging though, for about a year and a half now.

Jeni said...

I've been blogging now for almost two years -it will be two years in September and I think it's a month younger than your blog -if I recall correctly anyway!

Erika Jean said...

I'll be 2 in July!!!
But I just made my first ever video post!

masgblog said...

My blog will officially be 2 years old on June 20th....I was going to say older than dirt, but that wouldn't really be true....

Rebecca said...

Almost a year and a half

Mercedes said...

My blog is 281 days old~a little over 9 months old!

ShannonW said...

The main blog I currently keep up to date is one year old.

Misty DawnS said...

So... I'm just calmly reading your blog and I read this quickie........ Oh CRAP, I think........ I run over to my own blog in a major 'quickie' and realize that I ALMOST missed my own blogoversary!!!

Thanks to you, my special friend, I didn't miss it!!!

Oh yeah - to answer your question - will be ONE year old on Sunday ;-) (yeah, yeah, that's Father's Day, but I'm ignoring Father's Day - my husband just got a tractor)

The Curmudgeon said...

Second Effort started in late 2005 -- it was (oddly enough) my second effort at blogging, the first blog (started in -- I think? -- January 2005, while my Older Daughter was studying in Europe) having been deleted.

Time flies, don't it?