Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesay


jams o donnell said...

Baked Pilsbury doughboys? LOL. Happy WW

SandyCarlson said...

He looks frightened! So am I....(Ha ha.)

maryt/theteach said...

Skittles, I'm playing Wordless Wednesday tomorrow but I caught your WW Tuesday Edition and couldn't help commenting... She's cooking Pillsbury Dough Boys! Yikes! :D

Hootin Anni said...

Well, all I can say is...."He's COOKED".

But looks like chocolate to me. In that case....grill 'im!!!!

Hope you can stop by my blog now!! Have a great Wordless kinda day.

Jane said...

Looks like a scene from The Nightmare before Christmas! How ghoulish, how gruesome, how funny!

Kim @ What's That Smell said...


Fun, but creepy!

Jen said...


Mom Knows Everything said...

OMG That is too funny!!! ROFL!!! I have an award for you my friend. :o)

Gabriel said...

Nice picture! Very funny.

Here is my WW post for today. Have a great day!

Lori said...

Awwwwww, something tells me those arent chocolate flavored...lol. Cute pic. Happy WW.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I'm feeling the pains from those skewer pokes :P
Cute post!

Rhonda Gales said...

They look like they're heading to a grave, lol.

Forgetfulone said...

Oh, snap! Poor doughboy!

Anonymous said...

Hysterical. Happy WW and thanks for voting on mine.

Anonymous said...

hahaha - that's hilarious!! I love it. ;-)

Sonny said...

uuh, that's a bit creepy. But funny. But creepy!

Nice pic! ;-)

Luv ya, &hearts Sonny

smarmoofus said...

I love the panicked one in the oven, looking out the door! This is too funny!


MaR said...

Oh, funny! creepy? can't decide, lol!
Happy ww :)

Christie O. said...

oh my!!!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

OMG!!! ...lol...I can't help it.

Rebecca said...

...that's disturbing... :0

Deb said...

Oh that is so not funny - but it is! LOL. I love the look on the poor doughboy in the oven's face... :)

Natalie said...


Anonymous said...


I'm here visiting today because I've received complaints about the bloggers over 50 blog roll having members on the list not having the blog roll or the link to the blog roll's home page on their blog.

If, when a week's time is over, I'll stop by and re-check to see if you've updated your sidebar on your blog, including a link or the blogroll itself.

If it's not visible, I will assume you no longer want to be part of the over 50 bloggers membership and take your blog link off the list.

Sorry, but in all fairness, the instructions do say you must have this included on your blog somewhere for others who are using the list to visit. It should be accessible somehow.

Robyn Jones said...

Pregnancy brain...I thought I already put my name in here....(sigh)

Those are some seriously demented and scary looking cookies....

Baking on Halloween...