A few nights ago me and hubby were playing World Of Warcraft and were in a pretty tough spot to just walk away. But our dog, Sasha, was barking up a storm.
She's a barker. She'll bark at leaves or plastic bags.. birds.. you name it. Hubby got up and went to put the bark collar on her then rushed back. It wasn't until the next morning when he went to let her out that he noticed something odd.
The lawn chairs that were supposed to be on our little patio had been moved about six feet out into the grass. The hummingbird feeder we have hanging on a hook was down. This just made us feel all creepy. Someone messing with our stuff. *UGH*
I guess we'll pay more attention when Sasha barks.
And the link is --> HDMI cable.
Thats enough to make my skin crawl!
Regardless to how many times a dog barks, at least go check. I also recommend motion sensor outdoor lights, bear traps and electric fences. I hope all is well with you and I hope to be back a little more often.
For the last couple of weeks I've noticed you missing in the Mr. Linky at Heads or Tails...had to drop by and check to see if you're okay.
Glad to see you're still posting...you had me worried!!!
You have to wonder... how did those hummingbirds move that furniture? And why? Maybe to help maneuver the feeder back into place after they knocked it down?
Those hummingbirds are strong....
Just checking in. I regretfully had a mood swing and deleted my blog.
I'm back but under a new site name. Could you please make the change for me, hon? Looks like I'm starting over! Nothing there yet but I'm working on it. :shaking my head: hehe
I am now sort of settled in Northern Ireland. I am also posting again.
Oh man! That's creepy!
Did the hummingbirds not like the feeder? that is kinda creepy. I am glad Sasha scared off whatever or whoever it was.
That is pretty creepy....we were broken into two years in a row..and it scared the crap out of me. I was really glad to move...
They stole all my instruments last time...I was pretty upset...
Fortunately that was all they took, but we still felt pretty invaded...
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