Shannon H. said.. "Now do you understand why we have to cross the road?"
Tammy said.. Eat your heart out Beckham!
Akelamalu said.. "On me 'ed son, on me 'ed!"
bundle-o-contradictions said.. And Americans still aren't as excited about soccer as the rest of the world!
Terri said.. Those humans have it all wrong... this is how you play chicken!
noahthegreat said.. Two cocks and one ball? Something doesn't seem right here.
Lucy said.. A cock-n- ball excuse for exercise.
This post was brought to you by fat burners!
There's some great captions there! LOL
I hated to do it, but I had to vote for someone else's!
All VERY clever :)
The Egel Nest
Here's that link again :)
Spanish Inquisition vxs. Magtheridon
Ackkk too many good ones to choose from BUT I decided :)
Hehehe...the last couple of ones are really funny...hehehe!
I voted! oooh Tammy and Noah are joint with 30% !!
I like Terri's best.. but they're all cute..
All good but Noah gets our vote.
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