Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
How long has it been since you played Monopoly?


ShannonW said...

Does playing it on count? If so I play at least once a week LOL! Otherwise I have not played in it like 10 years.

Rebecca said...

OMG I played it on Pogo last night! I am addicted to the game (please don't count the number of board sets I own)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Well, I've got Monopoly on my cell...does that count? 20 minutes ago!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Years and years and years.

Shelby said...

oh prolly about 2 years, but I do love to play it.

Forgetfulone said...

Monopoly junior, a couple of years. Regular Monopoly, it's been a while. I can't remember.