Saturday, October 25, 2008

What The Pluck?

In the post below this one I listed six random things about myself. Here's another one.

Every couple weeks I mutter these three little words to my husband.. "Pluck me, baby." This is because as I've aged I've started sprouting whisker like hairs on my neck.

I'll grab the tweezers, he'll grab a flashlight. Then he plucks me. Slowly and carefully.. and always a steady hand.

Sometimes I will tell him I need a good plucking. Sometimes he doesn't quite hear exactly what I'm saying and will get all excited.

Poor guy. What a disappointment. (Laugh.)


Mom Knows Everything said...

Hey I get them too!

Lucy said...

you are a lovable goof!

Akelamalu said...

Oh you naughty girl getting him all excited like that! :)

I know what you mean about sprouting hair though!

Anonymous said...


Rebecca said...

Hahahahaha!! Tweezers: a girls best friend! :)

ShannonW said...

LOL poor hubby! But he is sweet to do that for you.

Tina said...

sounds exciting rofl! as long as you have a laugh who cares!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

LOL! Mine are on my chin.

Lisa said...

i think it's a hormonal thing...but i don't know. I get one on my chin every once in while.

good grief!((LOL))....funny...I can't stop laughing!
thanks i needed that!

Anonymous said...

You can get a little electric shaver (very small, a little thicker than a pencil)at WalMart for under $10. It runs on a battery. Very convienent.