Not having a round tuit would certainly explain my poor productivity of late.
As for the "Holy Grail" snippet, I'll see that and raise you:
Here's a link to a clip of the same song... synced to footage from Star Trek. Honest. I posted about it a couple of years ago and I was surprised to find the link still active as of this morning.
My mom gave my dad a box of wooden round, "tuit's" as a gift one time. He used to give them out to his friends - I fairly certain that's not what my mom intended! ;-) Loved the You tube snippet, too ... I need to watch the whole thing again soon - maybe I'll get a round tuit.
Where can I get a round tuit?
That video was hilarious! I started laughing at their "invisible horses" and didn't stop.
Python rawks!!! Can you believe that is my favourite movie of all time :)
I like the round-tuit too. One of my former work mates used to have one that she kept on her desk :)
Someone got me one of those once I don't know what I did with it.
A friend of mine gave me a tuit once. I seem to have lost it. I'll find it again...when I get another. ;)
Very very clever!
A round tuit and that video -- LOL!
I have a crazy post also.
Ha! Now that is what a round to it is!
I need that button. Great video.
I have a round tuit! I got it at Lum and Abner's in Arkansas.
This is SO ONE of my favorite scenes....Awesome post!!
Too funny!!!
I'm grabbing that round tuit and running for cover! I need it desperately to catch up on last week's stuff I didn't get 'round tuit.
Well, commenting - I finally got round tuit :-)
Loved that.
I don't even have to watch that video, I know what it is from the still!!
On second thought, let's not go to Camelot.. it is a silly place.
Not having a round tuit would certainly explain my poor productivity of late.
As for the "Holy Grail" snippet, I'll see that and raise you:
Here's a link to a clip of the same song... synced to footage from Star Trek. Honest. I posted about it a couple of years ago and I was surprised to find the link still active as of this morning.
My mom gave my dad a box of wooden round, "tuit's" as a gift one time. He used to give them out to his friends - I fairly certain that's not what my mom intended! ;-) Loved the You tube snippet, too ... I need to watch the whole thing again soon - maybe I'll get a round tuit.
Hey I just got a round tuit this morning! What a coincidence.
Your round tuit reminds me of the sign on a wall enclosed in a circle from work that reads "Stressed? BANG your head here."
My head hurt too much, I no longer work there.
Happy Tuesday!
It's always good to get a dose of Python on a snowy day. Thanks. If only the Round Tuit and that Office Depot Easy Button actually worked!
hehehehehe - good one
My mom gave my dad a tuit many years ago when I was a child. I don't know what happened to it but I can't seem to find another one :(
Great video!!
How funny, I posted about 'round tuit also. Drop by for a different look. :)
"A Round Tuit" bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahah that cracks me up!
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