Monday, December 15, 2008

Heads Or Tails #69 - Anything Round

You can play this at Heads Or Tails!



This post is not about Lipovox. (Whatever it is..)



Mom Knows Everything said...

Where can I get a round tuit?

That video was hilarious! I started laughing at their "invisible horses" and didn't stop.

Anonymous said...

Python rawks!!! Can you believe that is my favourite movie of all time :)

I like the round-tuit too. One of my former work mates used to have one that she kept on her desk :)

Berni said...

Someone got me one of those once I don't know what I did with it.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine gave me a tuit once. I seem to have lost it. I'll find it again...when I get another. ;)

Anonymous said...

Very very clever!
A round tuit and that video -- LOL!


I have a crazy post also.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Now that is what a round to it is!

ShannonW said...

I need that button. Great video.

Forgetfulone said...

I have a round tuit! I got it at Lum and Abner's in Arkansas.

Robyn Jones said...

This is SO ONE of my favorite scenes....Awesome post!!

NoBS said...

Too funny!!!

Hootin Anni said...

I'm grabbing that round tuit and running for cover! I need it desperately to catch up on last week's stuff I didn't get 'round tuit.

anthonynorth said...

Well, commenting - I finally got round tuit :-)
Loved that.

Carrie said...

I don't even have to watch that video, I know what it is from the still!!

On second thought, let's not go to Camelot.. it is a silly place.

The Curmudgeon said...

Not having a round tuit would certainly explain my poor productivity of late.

As for the "Holy Grail" snippet, I'll see that and raise you:

Here's a link to a clip of the same song... synced to footage from Star Trek. Honest. I posted about it a couple of years ago and I was surprised to find the link still active as of this morning.

Anonymous said...

My mom gave my dad a box of wooden round, "tuit's" as a gift one time. He used to give them out to his friends - I fairly certain that's not what my mom intended! ;-) Loved the You tube snippet, too ... I need to watch the whole thing again soon - maybe I'll get a round tuit.

Anonymous said...

Hey I just got a round tuit this morning! What a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

Your round tuit reminds me of the sign on a wall enclosed in a circle from work that reads "Stressed? BANG your head here."

My head hurt too much, I no longer work there.

Happy Tuesday!

The Gal Herself said...

It's always good to get a dose of Python on a snowy day. Thanks. If only the Round Tuit and that Office Depot Easy Button actually worked!

Le Butterfly said...

hehehehehe - good one

Anonymous said...

My mom gave my dad a tuit many years ago when I was a child. I don't know what happened to it but I can't seem to find another one :(

Great video!!

Patsy said...

How funny, I posted about 'round tuit also. Drop by for a different look. :)

Misty DawnS said...

"A Round Tuit" bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahah that cracks me up!