Just a quickie..
Recently I was talking with someone about my blog and what I will post about and what I won't. She said well, I had to have a standard. I replied that my standard is set pretty low.
I told this person about a "Quickie" question I'd had in my mind, but had never asked, and this person laughed.
Here goes my standard. Dropping even lower..
Have you ever rated a fart for it's smelliness?
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha No, but I rate my belches all the time!!! (no, not for smelliness, Silly... for loudness).
Wait! We're supposed to have standards??? pfffftttt sure wish someone would have told me!
Can't say that I have.
Barb, you are too much! Can't say that I have ever rated a fart -well, not my own anyway- for smelliness but you can bet your bottom dollar that my kids, all three of 'em and their Dad too, have done that. Oh, and the two older kids probably rank their belches too. This from people who are ages 42, 35 and 33!
But standards? You mean we are supposed to have that with our blogs? Remember, I once wrote a post about the problems, the yuckiness factor so-to-speak, about living with a colostomy and taking care of it! Now there's a topic that has to be low on the standards scales, me thinks! So guess I have no standards then. (Although I do try not to write about some things that really piss me off about a particular neighbor family who it seems is the proverbial group who can fall into a pile of poop and always emerge smelling like roses. I feel free mentioning this much about this bitch of mine here, cause if the should happen to read my blog, what are the odds they would go to every one of my favs and read my comments there. Right? Ya know I am, don't 'cha?
Hell yeah! ;o)
not rated, but someone in our family (NOT ME) has "room clearing" farts ughhh
yes we rate the two dogs on their toots.
Now I know what I love about YOU! Your standards are No higher than mine!! haha
This quickie was too funny! I like queensize have rated my doggies! EAcH night they lay by my feet and toot toot away! Gross!
I have never actually developed a rating system but my beagle, Skooter, can chase me off of the couch.
Hahahhahahahahahahahaaha!! You totally get bonus points for asking.
But... no. ewwww :-0
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