Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bug Up My..

Catchy post title, huh? It kind of ties in with what I have to say.

For the longest time I've shopped for clothes at Fashion Bug. There's one nearby, they have my multiple X size clothing and the prices are reasonable. Tonight was the last time I will go there.

One other thing I've liked besides what I just said was that all the larger sizes are on one side while smaller sizes are on the other. I could go to "my" side and not have to look at the skinny people clothes. They were no skinny people on my side either. Usually.

Me and hubby went there after returning a couple videos tonight and I walked over to the fat people side. WTF? There's skinny people clothes mixed in. I asked a clerk about it and she said they are reorganizing the store. Not just theirs, but ALL Fashion Bugs are doing it. Mixing the fat and skinny clothes together according to type, not size... all jeans, all tank tops, all everything else.

I had two things I wanted to buy, but I put them back and we walked out of the store. I even had tears in my eyes. That was one place I knew I could always go to and be separated from the skinny people. To know that everything I looked at was most likely something I could fit into.

Now it's just going to be like Meijer or Walmart. With my size mixed with skinny clothes. But they are cheaper. If I have to shop with skinny people I may as well save a few bucks.

Goodbye Fashion Bug.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

it is funny that you say this. I went to fashion bug today also and my store has the fat and skinny separated. but i would pop a fit. i spend a lot of money there and i don't want skinny clothes next to me either.

Jan said...

Waaaa we don't have a Fashion Bug here!

Robyn Jones said...

Have you thought of writing a letter to the company or calling their customer service? If enough people complain then maybe they would fix it??? Maybe not, but it might be worth a try?

Barb said...

Queen: Ask next time you go there. Maybe the clerk was giving me a line.

Tookie: I know they're all over Michigan and apparently where Queen lives. Maybe they never made it south to Louisiana.

Misty DawnS said...

I'm with Robyn...
Barb, seriously, you should go to Fashion Bug dot com, click their contact section and send them an e-mail! You are a fantastic writer and great at getting your point across - I really think it's a great idea to point this out to the corporation and make them realize that they could lose customers because of this!
Go Barb - Go Barb -
Gooooooooo Barb
*shaking my pom poms*

Barb said...

Robyn: Yes I did think about it and will do it today.

Barb said...

Misty: Pompoms? Where? I don't see any.. *snicker*

Misty DawnS said...

YAY! You're gonna do it! You're gonna do it!

I gots pompoms... they're just little :-P

Sara said...

I think letter writing might be more effective. To me, it seems like e-mails are often ignored by companies, but they pay attention to letters. Of course, you don't have to write it out by hand. You can still type it out and print it.

Barb said...

Sara: I just sent off an email, but you're right. I should back it up with a letter.

Misty DawnS said...

Great point Sara!

Listen to that Sara d-i-l chic Barb (hehehehe) - follow it up with a letter!

Autumn said...

I've written to Target before for their lack of plus-size selection. I pointed out how America is in the grip of a "obesity epidemic" & their store was missing out on huge potential by not providing clothing to the majority. And I promptly stopped shopping @ their store. Seriously, I recommend!