Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Are you content with your life? Why or why not?


Jeni said...

Yes and no. I'm content most of the time to be home, not having to get up and go out to work every day and all that but rather, able to be here with the two little grandkids and watch them grown, learn, advance, change, daily. But yet, in the back of my mind there is still this very unsettled feeling that I've never done anything, never made a real contribution to society at large, etc. That I worked my butt off to get that all-important college degree only to never have had a real opportunity to use that knowledge in the working world. So, I try to put it to use in some small ways today but it still isn't enough to make me feel fulfilled. Maybe one of these days I'll find the key to that closet, be able to open it and presto-magic, I'll feel whole then.

Misty DawnS said...

You think this is a quickie? Do you realize how complex a question this is?!?! Seriously - geesh! I am, but I'm not. I'm not, but I am. It's a loooooong story ;-)

Autumn said...

Way too complicated. That's not a quickie @ all! ;)

Lucy said...

I echo Misty verbatim

Forgetfulone said...

I love your "quickies." To answer, NO. I'm not content. I wish I was. I wonder why I'm not. Why can't I just be happy? The other day, my husband asked me a similar question. I told him it'd take at least a year of therapy to figure out why. Anyway, no, I'm not really content with most of the things in my life. But, I love my children.