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Guess what we're having for dinner?
a. Ha... little does he know that he's eating Gourd Faux-Ribs...
b. This Jerry Gourd (from Veggietales fame for those of you not in the know...) is YUUMMMYYY
Huh. Tastes like chicken.
or ...
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater ... married a wife who couldn't cook.
My hubby Just loves to gorge himself with gourds! fried gourds, gourd stew, gourd pot pie, gourd ala king, gourd marinara, gourd n cheese, gourd tacos, gourd pudding, gourd salad, pulled gourd, steamed gourd, gourd on a stick, gourd dumplings, gourd balls, gourd loaf, gourd burger, gourd caccitori, gourd stirfry, gourd grits, gourd shakes, Peanutbutter and gourds sandwiches.... YOU name it!
My wife never cooks so when i get to eat, i hog...HOG like ME, nothing HOGS more than me!
Yum..That tastes like chicken and pumpkin and guard...Im sure going to have to hit the gym if i eat so much chicken...
You know what they say, the man with the biggest gourd always gets the girls.
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