Monday, August 10, 2009

How HoT Is It?

Yes this is my HoT post. =)


It was so hot and humid here yesterday. How HoT and humid was it? I'll tell you. I seriously contemplated getting a motel room for the air conditioning. At 11pm. In fact before Mr. Skittles went to sleep I said if it was like this again I would get a room. Of course he could come too. *Smile*

It's HoT and humid again today, but I don't think it's quite as bad as yesterday. The motel idea is still a possibility.

We do have air conditioning here at the apartment complex. It's a wall unit in the living room. It's maybe got enough BTU to cool just a living room. With strategic fan placement we can cool the rest of the apartment most of the time. But it's an old air conditioner. We've had maintenance come over twice in as many years to check it out. Maybe they don't carry extended service plans but I wish they did. Or I wish they'd replace it.


On another NOTE I wanted to mention that I had a very nice long talk on the phone with one of my best blog friends today. We hit it off right away around the time we both started this business of blogging back in 2006. So.. a big wave to you! I hope you get that cable problem fixed. *Giggle*


Here's a few musical NOTES perfect for summer...


Autumn said...

Mine's gonna be up @ midnight.
Good song!

Anonymous said...

I always liked that song, but man, I didn't know that's what they looked like!!!

anthonynorth said...

We've finally got a bit of hot weather here in the UK, but it'll only last a day or two. That's usually the case.

i beati said...

special notes indeed..sandy

Hootin Anni said...

Hot hot is it? It's so hot even the snakes belly in the wagon rut is sizzlin'!!! That's how hot it is. I know what you mean...and here, there is no cooling off in sight real soon either. Except for a bunch of tropical waves with possibility of becoming hurricanes. Oh goody!

My HoT is posted...scroll down a bit when you arrive!
Happy Tuesday.

Grace said...

Morning... hope today isn't so hot... Mine's up now...

The Curmudgeon said...

We are finally getting some hot weather in Chicago, too, though not as hot as initially feared (and after one of the coolest Julys on record). Youngest Son notes that his football two-a-days are beginning along with the long-delayed heat wave.

Coincidence? He thinks not.

masgblog said...

it's HOT here too.....hehe

Karen said...

It is miserably hot here again today.

Isn't it fun to actually talk to blogging buddies? Although, I am too shy to do it.

Calico Crazy said...

It was hot in our old town and even hotter in our new town. I'm tired of hot already. On another "note" I got a kick out of your video.

Forgetfulone said...

Great post! Love the musical notes. Keep up the good work with the quitting smoking. I know it's hard!

Bobbie said...

We've lucked out. Usually it was hot through July and it wasn't that bad. But, now it's cranking up. Well into the 90's. I'm not a big fan of hot weather lol.

Grace said...

So... did you have lots of visitors today? I tried to send some your way ... so they could help you celebrate your no-smoking success.

Keep up the good work... oh... if you need some crafts to do... you could make me something... deal?