We made a 22 pound turkey with extra stuffing. Mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, deviled eggs.. everything you would expect and look forward to. Of course the best part was being surrounded by some of my family.
Ordinarily I would never (ever) post a picture of me like the one below. (Looks like I need a lot of fat burners, huh?) All I see is how terribly obese I am. Mr. Skittles and Daughter just saw how cute it was that Granddaughter and I were taking a nap together. I could joke and swear I was a size 12 before I ate dinner... I almost can't stand to look at it. *UGH* Oink Oink. This is what 275 pounds looks like folks.
You have to remember it isn't what's on the outside that really matters, it's what's on the inside that makes a person who and what they are. In any case it was a darling picture seeing the two of you snoozing on the couch. I guess the movie wasn't interesting enough to keep you awake lol.(just kidding)
Awwww SO cute!
eat and nap thats what its all abfout
I joined the camera critters. Hope you can find time to visit my very first entry to this meme. Thank you and God bless. Indeed a blessing to see you around.
Don't be so hard on yourself, that is a great picture of you and your granddaughter. Glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving. ~ Calico Contemplations
Oh that is such a cute picture!!! Adorable! Remember the camera puts on 10 pounds. Trust me when you see my butt on the video it's going to be huge! LOL
You look beautiful like the beautiful person you are!
I completely understand how you feel. I am always on the camera side. I never allow photos of myself. My inner person is so fit and fabulous! Give your true inner person a kiss and hug. We are who we are on the inside. The outside just makes us stronger.
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