During the night she was transferred to the progressive care unit. She's coughing blood. They don't know what she has exactly but with her high white blood cell count they know her body is fighting an infection. Although x-rays didn't show pneumonia or bronchitis she does have some fluid in her lungs. She was tested for H1N1 so at least it's not that.
She said they want to give her something to relax her so she can get better rest. She said there's talk of her maybe being intubated.
My baby girl is very sick. =(
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Let's send her lot of blogger love.
Praying my heart out! Keep us updated, please.
You are both in my prayers Barb.
I'm there too....*hugs*
sending good thoughts your way
am so sorry to hear this :(. I always pray for the ill and all people in general but tonight I will send out a prayer just for her. I hope that she fights this off soon :).
I'm praying for your daughter, and for you.
and so?
oh my god Skitts! so sorry to hear this and I am sending EVERY positive vibe her way! Please let us know how she is doing.hang in there momma.. when Our kids are sick it's worse than being sick ourselves. big hugs xox
Oh my! How is she doing?
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