Friday, April 30, 2010

Hannah Goes To The Vet

Mr. Skittles has taken Hannah Banana to the vet for her yearly shot(s). I imagine he'll also get her stuff to prevent heart worm and ward off fleas and ticks. If dogs got acne he'd grab some Acneticin too.

Hannah still doesn't walk well on a leash. OK. She drags me almost.. and at 80-90 pounds she even gives Mr. Skittles a run for his money. I'm guessing he's going to come home weary from trying to keep her under control.

I wish we could go back in time and do things over with her. Then again.. we could still teach her now. But like I said, I'm not strong enough to manage her. Mr. Skittles is tired and has sore ankles and feet when he gets home from work.


He just got home with her and she's all set now. His wallet is also considerably lighter. She was... naughty enthusiastic while out.


Nikki Neurotic said...

I wish I could give you some obedience advice for her, but I can't even control my (or rather, my mother's) dog.

Misty DawnS said...

It's ALL Gina's fault! just sayin'

Mike said...

Hannah was just her usual self at the vets. I need to take her for walks and practice what I had learned with her.

Positive Pieces Prevail said...

I think Misty pegged it right on...blame it all on Gina....