It's not often I have things I want to say but will not say them. This is one of those times. I just feel the need to be here right now. Even if I don't write about what I want to say. Yes. I do draw the line.
I'm struggling. I can say that much. There are only a handful of people who would understand what I need to talk about anyway and I don't want to bother them with my troubles. Mr. Skittles can't even help. I suppose I must deal with this myself.
At this point in such a post I would add a YouTube video. There are none. I looked.
*wave* Just a hello! Sending hugs your way!
in listening to you ,you get bouts of depression. Your smart, talking can be a relief. Some people will understand some will not . The people who are listening are more important than nonlisteners. You need to "talk" for yourself and those who don't understand don't have to read your blog. Your blog seems to be a combination of happy/funny and no one should ever feel that they need to keep quiet, we all need a listner. I'll listen and so will others. Remember each day can or will be different. God Bless. Sorry, Ican talk too much. Have a good day.
If you change your mind and want to talk, you know my email address. :)
you always find an appropriate YouTube...come deeper ?
Vent at God He doesn't mind He's a good listener and anything you say won't shock Him. Otherwise vent online don't let it fester inside, makes life even harder.
Virtual hugs coming your way ;-)
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