Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Red Light, Green Light

Did you ever play that game as a child? I did, and then I played it with my own kids. Unfortunately that's the best way to explain how my week has gone.

It started out as Green Light.. full of energy and positive vibes. I thoroughly cleaned half of my home. I've browsed through some magazines that have been collecting dust.. while sipping coffee on my porch. I may even have had time to ponder the side effects of diet pills. I'm not sure.

Today is Red Light. I had plans but I just haven't been able to get with the program. I don't have much energy beyond doing the most basic of routine things. Get dressed, feed pets, etc. Oh! I rode my exercise bike for five miles. That's better than nothing, right?

Maybe tomorrow will be better. I know I'm looking forward to Mr. Skittles having a four day weekend. Who knows. Maybe we'll take off somewhere for an overnight trip. (Too bad we don't know someone that close to us to go meet.) My younger son mentioned he might bring his family over this way to visit the zoo and then stop by here. I haven't heard anything definite about that yet.


Nikki Neurotic said...

I've had plenty of days like that, but the light does eventually change.

Funny story, the other day my dog evidentially was playing red light green light with me.

Thomas said...

I'm sure you know not to sweat the "tougher" days, Skittles. May you have a One-derfull weekend!!

Rose said...

we all have some of those days we didn't want to do anything, but you did well on your exercies bike. rose

Forgetfulone said...

I used to play that game! Oh, and riding your exercise bike is a BIG something!