I hear the school kids out this morning so happy new school year. *giggle* Oh wait. Two of my grandkids start 2nd grade this year and one starts Kindergarten! I'll take back that giggle and replace it with a sigh over how fast kids grow up. Geez. I can remember my own kids starting each school year as if it were yesterday.
Mr. Skittles starts a new work schedule today. He's been working 4 days a week, 10 hours a day.. giving him a nice three day weekend every week. Now work starts earlier, goes to five days a week with still ten hours a day. The advantage here is that he'll be home earlier every day. Not to mention that he HAS a job that (knock wood) needs more hours, hinting that things are picking up for Ford.
So.. what's new with me? I've finally gotten a handle on my blood sugars. It took a while to get it down and keep it down, though. Next on the list is weight. I have scales in my bathroom but I haven't checked my weight in a while. Fear, I suppose. Denial, perhaps. Knowing that I haven't been on my bike in way too long.
For each comment I get on this post I will ride my bike a minute. Yes.. only a minute. My guess is that once you people get me back on it that I will stay on it longer. But I need the push to get off my rear and exercise again. Won't you help? (One comment per person, please.)
Get in that bike!
Ugh, I think I would hate working ten hours a day, five days a week. But the money would be good.
Yes--school is back in session (all smiles)
here's my comment too,,,go go go!!
Way to go. Please share how you are keeping your blood sugar controlled? I was on Byetta for a short while to help with my blood sugars. I have a horrible diabetes doctor and am in the process of getting a better one. Would love to know how you are keeping your sugars controlled. Thanks.
Yea Barbara! Yea Mr. Skittles!
Glad to see the blood sugar is doing better.
It seems like ages since we've connected. I hope all is going well. My babies are in jr high and high school this year. I am NOT old enough for this. :)
I need to get back on my treadmill. I'm so bad! Congrats on the sugar levels!!!
And another minute. Go Barb!
I never weigh myself. I just look in the mirror and feel my clothes. When they seem tighter I watch what I eat for a week. If they feel looser I'm happy and don't celebrate with a bag of crisps/chips. Although I find that if I really really crave unhealthy food, I just give in and the next day I'll balance it out with eating more fruit and less bad things. Works for me!
Bike on!
Comment! ;-)
Push... push...
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