Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weather Info

Every year we drive across the state to spend Christmas Eve with my kids and our grandchildren. For some odd reason this year I was overly concerned with the weather. They live close to Lake Michigan and always get a lot of lake effect snow so the closer we get, the worse the weather gets.

I've been checking their weather and have been relieved to see that the drive there and back should be fine, weather wise. This is a big relief to me. HUGE relief. I would have to check with Wholesaleinsurance.net to make sure our insurance was paid up. (Or AAA.)

Let's hope the info doesn't change.


Nikki Neurotic said...

There is nothing I hate more than traveling through bad weather.

Marie Anne said...

Hope the weather continues to cooperate for you. Merry Christmas!

Fysieke gezondheid said...

Weather, also in Europe (Netherlands) early bad weather.
I look always at my site

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
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