There are four things here -all within very easy reach that use batteries: the cordless phone, tv remote control and above my head and computer space, my camera and Katie's camera!
hi I read your blog quite often but never comment. *sigh* I know I'm a lurker. You closed your blog for awhile, but before you closed your blog you had a post that mentioned songs you could listen to over and over again. one of the songs you mentioned was baby got back by sir mix alot. have you, by any chance, heard of the richard cheese version? you should check him out if you haven't. it's hilarious! btw I haven't got anything close by that has batteries. I think it's time to buy a flashlight!
A voltmeter :) I bet there aren't too many others who come up with that answer lol.
Cell phone
tv remote control
me sell phone matey.
cheers :)
There are four things here -all within very easy reach that use batteries: the cordless phone, tv remote control and above my head and computer space, my camera and Katie's camera!
a few things.
camera on my lap, flash light on bedside table, remotes and cordless phone
hi I read your blog quite often but never comment. *sigh* I know I'm a lurker. You closed your blog for awhile, but before you closed your blog you had a post that mentioned songs you could listen to over and over again. one of the songs you mentioned was baby got back by sir mix alot. have you, by any chance, heard of the richard cheese version? you should check him out if you haven't. it's hilarious!
btw I haven't got anything close by that has batteries. I think it's time to buy a flashlight!
my hand was right on it as I read the question...
digital camera
My cell phone and my cordless phone
I'm happy i'm not in the bedroom... *blush* ;-)
No, just kidding!!!
It's the tv remote control and the cordless phone (which needs to be recharged coz battery is dead...)
Hugs, &hearts Sonny
P.S: Thank you very much for cheering me up with your comment on my post today. You're a real good friend. Thx. have a really nice blog. Please stop by mine, and tell me what you think...Aash
Thanxs :)
My phone.
The TV remote. I'm such a guy.
iPod, calculator, camera, controllers, remote controls, etc.
Digital camera. :)
Digital camera, I always keep it by the computer.
The clock my dad made me for christmas a few years ago.
My cell phone
didital camera
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