Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Name something in your house that is older than you are.


bundle-o-contradictions said...

The only things I can think of are pictures of family members taken before I was born.

Natalie said...

Nothing that I can think of...not even my husband.

Anonymous said...

My house!

Anonymous said...

Photos. I have all the old family photos.

Kara said...

The only thing I can think of is our microwave. It is about 27 years old, seriously, and it works awesome and is huge and we love it. I'll be so sad when it eventually dies, microwaves just aren't made of the same quality (or hugeness) these days.

Misty DawnS said...

The house was built before indoor plumbing... does that count? OK, I'll throw in the antique dressers too.

Teri said...

the house itself is older than me, 108 years, to be exact. I don't think I have anything else that's older than I am.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Does my husband count? LOL

Smalltown RN said...

hmmm...looking around the first thing I saw was an old bottle of Walker's Special Canadian Whisky 1947....empty of course...but I love the bottle as it still has all it's labels on it...

jenn said...

My husband, by 6 years!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Other than the house itself and some books, nothing. Scary.

Oh yeah, ssshhh...my wife.

Happy WW!

Nikki Neurotic said...

My dressers, vanity and my bed. This desk that I'm sitting at. The dining room set. The windows (most anyway). This house has been in my family since it was built (in 1950 I think) and we still have quite a lot of the old stuff.

Susan Demeter said...

The house itself is almost 90!!

Unknown said...

I have old photos from my husbands family that date back into the 1800s, we also have the original cash register from my husband's grandfather's service station that is from the 1940s.
Everything classic and older came from his side of the family.
My sewing machine is the same age as I am though, my mom gave it to me.

Sandy M said...

My grandmothers sugar bowl and lots of photos.

Rebecca said...

My couch. When it was new it was one of the most expensive ones out there. The fabric is very special and no longer in print, so I HAVE TO take really really good care of it! :)

Akelamalu said...

MWM (my wonderful man)!

Shan said...

My husband! (if that doesn't count, we have an antique bed upstairs...)

Bethany said...

My dresser! My parents bought it before I was born.