Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Bad Dream

Last night I had an awful dream. I haven't been able to shake how it made me feel all day.

I dreamed that I was much younger and my (evil) stepdad climbed into bed with me. He was trying to snuggle up next to me and had put an arm around my shoulders to pull me closer. In the dream I was trying to humor him saying things like, "oh quit.." but inside I was scared to death.

Finally I couldn't act calm anymore and I screamed for my mom. Only no sound would come out.


Misty DawnS said...

Recently, I had the same reoccurring dream that I used to have when I was young - in this dream, someone has broken into the house and is trying to take me away from my grandparents. I have no idea why I had that dream again now - so many years later - after I'm grown. I also have no idea why, now that I'm an adult, I still woke up in a panic, sweating, and crying.


Jen said...

Oh Barb, that is just awful!! Here's to sweet dreams tonight :)

Unknown said...

I pray this isn't a repressed memory, and just a nightmare.
I have them fairly often and I know that sense of dread that hangs on. Do something calming, and work on releasing the negative energy the dream gave you.

Anonymous said...


bundle-o-contradictions said...

Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. What a terrible dream! ((hugs))

Akelamalu said...

Oh honey, it's over, don't even think about it. ((hugs)) xx

Mom Knows Everything said...

Big virtual hug!

Forgetfulone said...

I'm so sorry you had this bad dream! I sometimes have dreams that stay with me all day and affect my moods and attitudes for the whole day. No one should have to go through that. Here's a big {hug}.