Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Something I did last night prompts me to ask - Do you ever eat food that has dropped on the floor?


Tina said...

haha. you should have made this into a meme skittles!

I never do it. I am adamant that my kids dont either. Even if its something that can be swilled under the tap im really perculiar about dirt on floors!

my other half dosent care though. He will. Makes me cringe!

ShannonW said...

I do eat food that has dropped on the floor...depending on what it is and how long it has been there! LOL We have the "5 second rule" in my house..if the food has been on the floor 5 seconds or less you can eat it.

Mom Knows Everything said...

If it's still in the package hell yeah, but the kids totally use the 5 second rule. ;o)

Rebecca said...

All the time. But it does depend on what food and what floor. At home, I know I'm okay. At work or other places, maybe not so okay. :0...

Jeni said...

As long as I know you're not gonna send the "food police" after me, I'll 'fess up and say that I have been known to do that from time to time but it does depend on what it is that has made its way to the floor too.

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Depends on whether or not it's picked up floor ick. (I'm really not picky.)

Misty DawnS said...

You kidding? Three dogs live in my home... the food doesn't even have time to land on the floor ;-)