Monday, June 02, 2008

Heads Or Tails #41 - Royal

You can play this at Heads Or Tails!


When I was younger and had yet another bad experience with (evil) stepfather, my mom, for lack of anything better to do, would feed me. I don't blame her for this.

She may have gotten it from my granddaddy , who would always say to me "get some more gal" whenever I was sharing a meal with him and my grandma. After all, he lived through the Depression and was glad to have a table full of food. Having food might have meant things were good.

The problem I had was that I learned that food was love. Food was comfort. I learned nothing about eating to just fuel my body or to keep myself healthy.

I've battled my weight gain over the years and have lost miserably. I do not blame my past for this any longer. There comes a time when you have to let go of the demons in your past and become accountable for how you live now.

All that food tastes so darn good.. but losing the weight can sure be a royal pain! Too bad there's not an easy way how to lose weight.

(Boy, this post sure was a stretch!)

Here's a royal video!



Juliana RW said...

it is very sad when i see the dog pic like that :(( where did u got that pic??

Mine in here Thanks

Susan Demeter said...

Hey Skittles, I know the royal pain of trying to lose weight too well....

Thanks for another week of HOT, and I hope you have a goodly week ahead!

Mine is up here:

My Life In The Urban Zoo

Mom Knows Everything said...

I have a royal pain in the....butt I just call him John. LOL!!!

jenn said...

a royal pain, indeed!

Hootin Anni said...

Skittles...I really don't think you should belittle yourself like may be a comfort zone for you, but there are WORSE things!! We love you no matter if you will "Love for Food". It's what is INSIDE you that counts!!!

My H o T is served, come and get it while it's "hot". [play on words here!]

Anonymous said...

Why is it that women never find themselves attractive? I saw this program on TV and they said that less than 1% of Australian women think they are beautiful. It was a serious comment on society by an advertising executive, when the host joked that those 1% are 'up themselves'. And everyone laughed because that is what we are supposed to do. I have no answers.

But I did like your Stevie Wonder clip. It was tres royale

Anonymous said...

Skittles, I would rather remember you from time to time for all of your laughter and fun!

Medical science is doing much to try to help and understand this "Royal Pain" you describe.
I hope there is something for you in their discoveries that will help you overcome the issue.

You are the best. You make me laugh. You are so kind and thoughtful with the way you put things!

Tina said...

I dont think anyone ever loses all their weight to how they want to be.

I was half stone away from my goal then i put half a stone on (that was for my love of food too lol!)

Thats life i guess- so dont worry yourself with it :)

I would rather eat food i enjoy than eat nothing and be stick thin

Happy HoT day x

Unknown said...

Oh the perpetually royal- pain- in- the- bum of weight issues. It gets to us all one way or another. I just took two lovelies shopping and was constantly pointing out the difference between 'real' food that nurtures the body and the soul and 'fake' food that is nothing but bog for the body.

Annabel said...

very inventive use of the word :) o know what you mean, food = comfort... i'm trying to school myself out of that line of thinking, but it's not as easy as i'd hoped!

Berni said...

Trying to lose weight is a pain I can agree on that, especially the exercise part. I wish I could burn calories sitting in front of the computer.

smarmoofus said...

I thought about posting about a royal pain before realizing I could use something that I've been trying to work in to my blog for the last two weeks (great theme this week!). Not a stretch. I like. I'm sorry for how you feel about the message you were given regarding food. But I think you're a beautiful person regardless.


Forgetfulone said...

Losing weight is definitely the biggest, royal pain in the arse! Great post.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. I love the "outside the box" approach you took and encouraged us to take, too, with the topic. Just taking the time to deal honestly with whatever our struggles, see where they may have come from to start and then realize what we need to do from there is really a big deal by itself, and I admire you.

Anonymous said...

Barb, you are a lovely person. And food as comfort is a difficult passion to control, but it isn't miserable. I hate to hear you be so hard on yourself. We all have battles and we may lose ground, but never lose.

You are are a strong, loved and beautiful person. Believe it.

Sheena said...

That doggie makes me feel sad. :(

"All that food tastes so darn good.. but losing the weight can sure be a royal pain!" I second the motion.

Anonymous said...

I fight the same battle as you, Barb. It is a nasty one... this excess of body. Sheeesh! How I'd love to have a 29 inch waist again, in a healthy way. I likely will forget I ever was that small before I have a chance of being that size again, haha. Oh well.... a hundred years from now we'll all weigh the same anyway.

Good post!!

Anonymous said...

Trying to lose weight is most definitely a royal pain. I know - I'm failing miserably at it at the moment. It's sweet food that gets me every time - chocolate, etc. BTW, my interpretation of this week's theme is in the 'royal pain' mould (not UK spelling!) too - but not about weight loss.

Happy Tuesday!

Linda said...

Growing up Mom would always tell me to finish my dinner or I would get sick. I was a very light eater then. Now when I deprive myself I still hear Mom say you better finish that or you will get sick, so I eat.

Don't be hard on yourself. You are a beautiful person.

Anonymous said...

mine is up! happy tuesday!

Rambler said...

I agree loosing weight can be a royal pain, but you know gaining it is also an equally royal pain for many :)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

My grandmother was a love=food type. She didn't use "I love you" very often, but she could cook a mean frikadellen! Most of my food issues arose from boredom, though. I still eat when bored. I often don't even think about it...

The Curmudgeon said...

Excellent video choice this week. Very much in line with the theme.

Rebecca said...

Haha, silly - aren't you the one who picks the themes every week? Anyways, I'm sure most of us are very familiar with that Royal Pain. 8-) Happy HoT!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh...Sir Duke!! OMG>..doesn't get any better than that! :)

Unknown said...

I like that you shared this, I know the feeling, my husband had the same issue with his mom and now he has diabetes, so do I and I think my mom without realizing it made food a comfort factor for her and I when dad was too drunk. Such a life.

LarryG said...

you CAN feel it over people!

storyteller said...

You got my attention with your doggie’s sign … and your post ‘resonates’ and because I learned much the same thing in my family … and that’s why I’m a Lifetime member of Weight Watchers, close to (but not at) goal weight with LOTS of on-going effort and point counting. Very cool ‘royal’ video!!!
Hugs and blessings,

Deb said...

Oh I so agree - losing weight is such a royal pain!!! Sigh.

Great HoT!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's a stretch. Those of us of a certain generation automatically equate food with love. That's why it's called "comfort food."

Great post.