Monday, August 18, 2008

Heads Or Tails #52 - Heads Or Tails

Today is the first birthday for Heads Or Tails so I thought I'd tell about how it got started..

I used to play another meme on Mondays but circumstances made that not a viable option anymore and since I was used to doing something blog-wise at the beginning of each week, I decided to make up my own meme.

I had no idea what I wanted it to be so I went to my old friend Google and looked around. That's where I found the logo picture above. (Naughty me!) Then I had to come up with a concept to fit the logo.. but that didn't take too long.

The part that was hard was getting the word out. I went to every blogger I knew and I visited everyone I could find in a blogging community I used to belong to. I told everyone about it and invited them to play.

Then I held my breath and waited and I was pleasantly surprised when it took off.

There are 179 links in the blogroll.. but I think the highest number of players in a one week installment was around 59. That's ok, though. It's not about the numbers for me (although I used to wish for HUGE numbers every week).

I've met so many nice people through Heads Or Tails. Some I might not have met any other way.

And that has made it worthwhile.



storyteller said...

I’m certainly glad you started (and I joined) the HoTs fun about 5 months ago … once I learned a bit about how to manage the ‘regular’ blogging routine. I’ve enjoyed meeting new folks in the Blogosphere through Heads or Tails.
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Barb for this meme!
Keep going!

bcmomtoo said...

I'm glad you started Heads or Tails. It's a lot of fun.

Forgetfulone said...

Heads or Tails is a lot of fun! I'm happy to participate in it. I have a you tube video on mine today, but not the same one.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday HOT!!! And thank you for putting it together each week :)

Tina said...

its great that it's come this far for you. you must be really pleased.

well done, and lets look forward to year number 2 lol

happy hot day! x

Hootin Anni said...

....and I hope you continue to have success with Heads or Tails. It's a very fun meme to play and it's all from your hard work and devotion.

ShannonW said...

You have done a great job Barb! keep up the excellent work!

Happy Birthday HoT!

The Curmudgeon said...

Gotta love Ray Charles!

You know I've enjoyed Heads or Tails and I hope it continues.

Anonymous said...

I love this meme. It lets me see how many different ideas everyone comes up with for the same word. Super easy and yet challenging. Have a great HoT and thanks for starting it. I enjoy it.

Kim said...

Thanks for sharing this Tuesday! It's was interesting to hear how this HoT phenomena began. :)

My HoT is up a little later than usual, but feel free to take a look.

Dawn said...

Thank you for starting this very fun meme. It is something that I look forward to! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Barb -- and I loved the video this week too!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I been enjoying doing heads or tail even if I messed up this time around.
So if you decide once again to run this theme a least I'll know what your talking about.

Thanks you for being a wonderful host.

The coffee is always on.

MiLeT said...

the head or tails concept is unique that's why i love it. thanks barb for coming up with the idea. i'm always looking forward to it every week.

thanks for stopping by

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to a fun meme! What a great idea you had. Thanks for hosting!

Deb said...

Happy Birthday to HoT! I know I don't play very often lately, but I still do whenever a something strikes me for any particular topic. :) Hope you're doing well!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was a crazy day so I didn't make it by to say "Hello, and thanks for stopping by my blog!" Hope you have a great day today.

Mom Knows Everything said...