Friday Fill-Ins

- If I was to walk into your life, I would keep you and name you George.
- Catch a bright star and place it where all can see.
- And you can send me a winning lottery ticket.
- I may forgive but I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets.
- I'm the innocent bystander / Somehow I got stuck blogging.
- What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness it's lack of empathy.
- And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to World of Warcraft, tomorrow my plans include World of Warcraft and Sunday, I want to play more World of Warcraft!
You can play this at Friday Fill-Ins
Oh, I love your #1!
I'm with ya on #6!
Um, do you happen to enjoy World of Warcraft? *giggle*
Skittles!! MY youngest son is also HOOKEd on this warcraft game! I am seriously starting to worry! Now you too!! OH NO.
how addicting is it?? Aren't you...ummm...Older?? haha I thought it was mostly kids playing, although he HAS said there are many moms on it!
hehehe George is my Dad's name ;-)
Thanks for playing, have fun this weekend!
thanks for the link! I played!
Three cheers for World of Warcraft! Have you made it to lvl 70? Are you ready for the xpac?
I love your response to #4! Have I told you my nephew is also addicted to World of Warcraft?
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