I asked the doctor what then was causing the symptoms I had mentioned that prompted the scheduling of the MRI? He said it was my anxiety.
A little background in case anyone doesn't know. I'd been on psyche meds for over twenty years. All shapes and sizes of them, too. Ones for anxiety, ones for panic, ones for depression and /or bipolar. Problem was it finally hit me that after twenty years why had none of them really ever worked?
So I weaned myself off them, one type at a time, near the beginning of this year. And for the most part I've done very well.
Now, back to what I was saying. The doctor said it was my anxiety. I told him I didn't think it was. He looked at me with one of those "who is the doctor here" looks. I followed up by saying I realized what he saying based on him being a doctor and all and all I was saying was how I was feeling. (What a suck up I can be at times.)
So he started writing down my symptoms.. the ones I'd told him about that prompted the MRI. Loss of memory, confusion, disorganized thinking, and maybe a few more.
Then it was as if a light bulb went off over his head and he said the nurse was going to bring me in a two page questionnaire to fill out. (I thought oh goodie.. a meme!) I filled out the questionnaire, the nurse took it back to the doctor, who came back to the examination room they had stashed me in.
He asked me who else in my family has ADHD. Say what? He said according to my answers, I have ADHD and that the symptoms I had given him also fit with that.
Well gosh.
My oldest grandson is on medication for ADHD. It was suspected my oldest son might have had ADD, but he was never tested. My mom has a touch of ADD as well.
As I was driving from the doctor office to Walgreens to drop off my prescription I was thinking. I wonder if all those years I was taking pysche drugs ..? What if I really didn't need them?
Tomorrow I start taking Ritalin.
I am so glad they figured out what was wrong! Yay!!!!
wow that is so amazing! After ALL these years? we have that in our family too Barb, come on over.. you will fit right in! no meds required!
glad you don't have a serious illness!
Hmm...interesting. I wish you well!
ADHD - who knew?! I think I have that too.
My 28 year old stepson is on meds for his ADHD. It sounds like a reasonable explanation. I actually think I would be diagnosed ADHD if I ever let someone test me.
I love your comment (oh, goodie, a meme)!
It's scary isn't it that a misdiagnosis could have meant you've been taking drugs you never actually needed! :(
Hopt the Ritalin works Barb. x
"Oh goodie...a meme" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love it! You are so funny.
As I've already told you - This is a relief compared to some of the other things they were testing for.
Makes me wonder if I have ADD as well...
Sjoe - unbelievable.
I sitting with a prescription for anti-depressants but I am not sure if I really want to take them - In South Africa my doctor would never just given me script unless he knew I was going to take others steps as well.
reading your post has just confirmed to me that I should first check all the possibilities.
ADHD runs in my family and so does Manic/Depressive (Bi-polar). I have taken Ritalin, Prozac and Zoloft. I personally prefer Zoloft BUT I hate being on meds :(
So glad your Dr was on the ball and questioned you further!
Makes me wonder about my anxiety disorder. Though I know I have an anxiety problem.. I wonder if it's combines with ADD or ADHD. Makes me go "hmmm"
Ok....question....are you happy with that? When I first started reading your symptoms....memory loss, forgetfulness....sounded like someone who had to much on her plate and was a tad on the stressed side....Ritalin....sorry but dear god.....why not some soothing music....meditation......why is the doctor so quick to give you meds...heaven sakes you in your wisdom...and I believe it was wisdom on your part decided to ween yourself off of the drugs...good for you....so now you have stress related issues....dah!!! doesn't take an MD to figure that one out....did they do an EEG?
Barb....only you know how you feel...I could be way out of line saying what I am saying...but I am sorry but it just makes my antenna's go up...you questioned the doctor for a reason..and good for you....Girl I think some gettng out of your apartment...walking that wonderful dog of yours....taking in the fresh air....would do you a world of good.....
I care about you...and I really dislike it when doc's push meds...and sorry again...but that is what is sounds like to me....
You can get mad at me if you want...but I say this out of genuine care for you....what does your gut tell you?
I laughed after reading the first line in this post...my hubby would have wondered obout mine too...LOL!
The ADD/ADHD assoc. had a booth set up at the state fair...I took their little test and was told I have ADD.
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