Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sleepless in Michigan

I wish I was all snuggled in and sleeping like the child in the picture. I'm guessing it's a girl type child because she's wearing pink, but hey.. who knows?

Today (yesterday?) was an icky day for me. I'm NOT doing well with the higher dose of Ritalin. If anything it just makes me more anxious and muddled than I was before. Just ask poor hubby who comes home from work everyday to find me all zombified and weepy. I can't seem to do anything productive and that just adds to my frustration.

World Of Warcraft has been undergoing major maintenance all day and I haven't been able to play. Withdrawals are not a pretty thing, my friend.

I am a creature of habit. I do things in a certain order most everyday and part of that order includes checking my mail on WoW every morning to see if anything I put in the game's Auction House has sold. Of course then I'm hooked and don't even realize that HOURS have gone by and I'm still in my nightgown.

So today hubby came home from work today to find me all zombified, weepy AND going through withdrawals. He's a sweetheart though and gave me hugs and asked if there's anything he can do.

What did I do without World Of Warcraft? Well, I'll tell you. I started messing with my blog. Not a good thing for me to do on any given day, and especially on a day when I'm feeling so icky. But I was bored.

I changed the fonts, then started playing with the colors. I found this combination of blues that I have now and can get used to seeing. My old header graphic just didn't look good anymore so I emailed Tammy, the Mom Knows Everything, to ask for some help. She was able to remove the header graphic and put up the text "Skittles' Place." No easy feat to do that either because my template's HTML can be hard to work with. We discussed putting up a new seasonal header picture.

Like I said though, I'm a creature of habit. In more ways than just a routine, too. I can get panicky from just having things be different and the new look and feel of my blog was stressing me out. I went to bed to watch some TV and unwind and ended up falling asleep for a hour or so. That nap is the reason I'm awake right now.

I decided to use the time constructively though and Googled for a seasonal picture. I found one and even figured out how to add my blog's name and add it to my blog.

I checked the realm status webpage for World Of Warcraft and see that some are now coming back online. Not mine. Not yet. (Pout.)

Maybe I'll go read and see if I can get sleepy.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I like thr new look - especially the header graphic.

Hope you will feel better soon... and find some sleep :-)

Mom Knows Everything said...

That is so pretty! You did an amazing job with the header!!! It looks gorgeous, you ROCK girl!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I like the new colors!!

Anonymous said...

I really like the header - makes me miss the snow ... the blues are cool and soothing ... the site looks great!

ShannonW said...

I love the new blog look! And yes, WoW withdrawls are not pretty! I have not been able to log on since Monday for a whole 10 minutes. My desktop computer crashed and now I am stuck with the laptop *cry* BUT I can still play long as the realms are up lol.

Misty DawnS said...

I LOVE the header picture - it's gorgeous!

You chose a very talented person to help change the blog - it will be absolutely awesome - no doubt about it ;-)