Friday, January 02, 2009

Amazing Streep

Last night we watched the movie Mamma Mia starring Meryl Streep. I've always liked her movies but this one blew me away.

Here is one of the best scenes from the movie..

Here's a link for work holding. In case you wanted one..


Shelby said...

We saw that movie. I thought it was incredible and that scene was awesome. Happy new year!

ShannonW said...

I have not seen that movie yet and I didnt realize Meryl Streep was in it!

Maddy said...

It's on my list but it's quite a long list so I've no idea when we'll get around to watching it.
BEst wishes

katherine. said...

I went to see this movie with a friend for a little pick me was fun. Streep is one of my faves.

Mom Knows Everything said...

I haven't seen this one yet, but I did the Curious Case of Benjamin Button and that was AMAZING!

Smalltown RN said...

I haven't seen this movie yet...I know there were a group from work that made an evening of it...not sure it is my thing....but I shouldn't judge till I watch it....cheers...

Dallas Meow said...

I went with a friend when it came out and two minutes in was squirming, DUH
hadn't realzied it was a musical.
My daughter forced me to watch it again with her when it came out on DVD and came in our blockbuster mail -
can't get the songs out of my head, but mostly have scary images of the creepy old man* without his shirt and the third of the trio of women singing take a chance on me [she looks just like my mom!]

*probably younger than me but still, shoulda kept his shirt on!

I was scarred by sound of music as a child - so musicals ar just not my cup o' tea

Anonymous said...

We just watched that movie recently, too ... awesome flick ... I liked that scene too, but my favorite was when they all danced on the pier and then jumped in ...