Monday, January 19, 2009

Heads Or Tails #74 - Feet Or Feat

You can play this at Heads Or Tails!


Me and hubby have recently we discovered the PS2 game Sims2 Castaway. There are some cool features we like in this Sims version that weren't available in the older regular Sims game we used to play..

We not only control one Sim character as they get and keep a job, socialize with neighbors, pay their bills, keep up with their home and repairs. We now make a whole cast of "crew mates" which immediately become shipwrecked.

We start with one crew member and they learn to make tools, shelters and clothing, gather food and other resources, and explore the islands. Along the way we find the missing crew members and then also have to build up their skills, too.

It's challenging but in a fun way and there isn't as much pressure as we got trying to keep up with everything in the older Sims game.

Do you play any video or computer games?


There is a place on my Heads Or Tails blog where I show the Featured Blog of the Month. In case anyone wondered how a blog is selected, I'll tell you. It's very, very scientific.

The first HoT of every month I ask hubby to pick a number between 1 and however many people played the week before. The blogger that signed in at that number then becomes the featured blog. (Unless they've been featured before. Then I ask him to pick a new number.)


I could not close this post without mentioning Tuesday being Inauguration Day here in the USA. Millions and millions of people will watch this historic event, myself included.

Barack Obama, a man of color, becoming president is perhaps the biggest feat of all.

God bless him.



anthonynorth said...

I must admit I'm not a game player. Indeed, it would be a feat to get me to, unfortunately :-)
That said, the game is definitely on tomorrow with Obama. I wish him luck, and hope for good judgment. Even though I'm in the UK, the office of President casts a long shadow.

Berni said...

I would like to play some games on the internet but my satellite is not fast enough. Mostly we are confined to solotaire. BTW my link from the blogroll is not loading you have your website address in front of the link to my blog. Whenever you can get around to it, it has been like that for ages but if you are doing it afresh would be nice to get it done.

Did you change the prompt for this week I had it down in my daytimer as ALL or AL so did not go back to check. Hopefully I have the others correctly as I will try and keep up while in Mexico. Most of the time I find the prompts good for giving me posting ideas.Actually you got two ALLs this week (even though it is wrong) as I had done one which self published before I could cancel it with the updated one.

Mom Knows Everything said...

The whole family, even the kids and John, are addicted to Animal Crossing City Folk right now. It's kinda funny seeing Aidan and John argue over who's turn it is to play. LOL

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Great post, Skittles.

I also did a post on Obama, though not as my HoT.
Congratulations, Mr. Obama

Alice at I Was Born2Cree8
Heads or Tails

Anonymous said...

Sims. The original. You can't zoom in nearly as close to the characters as in subsequent Sims games & playing for 5 hours straight trying to see such small, faraway things can cause eyestrain. One reason I'm likin' it better is that the Sims have kids. I even wrote a little about it here. Right now I have The (original) Sims, The Sims 2 & The Sims 2 Castaway for PS2. I'm addicted & am looking forward to a 'Puter Room comfy enough for extended play so I can get the PC version w/ all of the expansion packs!!
(a.k.a. Bundle-o-contradictions, a.k.a. Autumn)

Anonymous said...

I don't play many games, but that ones sounds kind of fun. It makes me think of Gilligan's Island/Survivor.

Anonymous said...

I haven't played the PS2 version of any of the Sims games, but right now in the background on my computer The Sims 2 is running (with pretty much all of the expansions - so much fun!).

Hootin Anni said...

I love how you incorporated the FEATured blog of the month for HoT. VERY scientific if you ask me.

Yes, yes...indeed. The biggest feat of all. That's what my Head or Tails is all about. Thank you for using this for the week's prompt!!! ♥

Jan said...

I'm not into the video games, which is best. I don't really have time for them.Between babysitting, blogging, reading, housework, and running an online PSP list....I could get in some serious trouble gaming! LOL

Mom Knows Everything said...

Thank you so much for the honorable mention, that is so sweet of you! I love playing HOT so it's easy to play every week. Thanks again, you made me smile.

Tina said...

I love the simulation type games. in fact like addicted. i just love building, designing and running things lol

thats a cool fun idea for the featured blogs too.

The Curmudgeon said...

Haven't thought about the Sims in a long time. It was a game that nearly ate my computer with all the storage it occupied. I couldn't find and erase old 'games' and my Younger Daughter played it constantly. Mostly to build houses. And tear them down. And kill off characters so their ghosts would haunt the new houses she built.

The boys really liked the ghosts. Their games got rather grisly.

Misty DawnS said...

I played the old SIMS computer game with my step-son years ago. So, I get the idea of it, and this game you are playing sounds fun.

Tell Mr. Mike to pick my number next or I'm holding the 'copter ransom! bwaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Well, darn. You used my "feat." (President Obama) Maybe I'll have to think of something else.

Also I don't really play video games. Yahoo Games does have a Daily Crossword I like to do sometimes though. Have fun with the Sims.

storyteller said...

You certainly managed a FEAT with today's HoTs post! Thanks for dropping by mine earlier. I'm still glued to the television ... visiting during commercials ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Robyn Jones said...

I wish I had time for video games.. I actually really like them, but my son would never allow it....

Oh day...

Grace said...

So I come here with a comment on your comment on my HoT... did I confuse you yet?

You asked if the guy only looks at feet or alternates with TaTas... well, that was just too funny. I really don't know the answer to that one. I will have to ask my friend. LOL

Anonymous said...

I used to me a Myst fanatic (i.e. addict) ... but the whole baby thing kind of put a kabosh on my computer time. Now that he's 6, I've been getting back to gaming a little - my son and I play Lego games online ... my husband, on the other hand, is a serious gamer ... but that's another story.

Anonymous said...

Must be getting (more) tired - not sure what happened ... I didn't mean to make that comment anonymous!

Forgetfulone said...

That was the feat I was thinking of (Obama), but I didn't blog about it. I've been so busy! I'm finally catching up with your blog.

I don't play too many games, no video games, just a couple of Internet games every now and then.

ShannonW said...

Have you tried SmallWorlds online? It is pretty neat but a tad slow.