Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Do you think it's worse to "give up" or "give in"? Why?


Mom Knows Everything said...

I think "give up" is worse.

Misty DawnS said...

I think it is much worse to 'give up'... although, sometimes, 'giving in' can be the same as 'giving up'.

Did that make any sense to you? Good, can you explain to me what I just said then? Thanks ;-P

Rebecca said...

I don't understand the question. It's worse to give up school when you're 1 final from graduating then it is to give in to a chocolate craving.


It's worse to give in to a cocaine craving then it is to give up quitting cigarettes.

There's way too many open fields for one to be worse than the other. :-0 Unless I just completely missed the point of your question. In which case, yes I tend to be brain dead and no it doesn't stop me from talking. :-0

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a toughie. I'm a very stubborn, gotta-be-right kinda person. (No, really, I am! lol) Giving up is worse, 'cause you're giving up on something you took on yourself. When you give in, it's usually just to make the other person shut up. Trust me, I'm learning the latter very well lately.

Lucy said...

i was all set with the give up answer till i read frigga! so true!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I look at them both as the same.

Coffee is on.

ShannonW said...

I think giving up is worse, because if you give in you can always go back and fix it later. If you give up then you may end up lost.

Forgetfulone said...

Giving up is worse, IMHO.