Take for instance a hobby I planned on taking up.. making homemade greeting cards.
I was looking at some sales online and found a color printer that would be nice for the greeting card making program I have. OK. I already have a nice color printer, but I can't seem to get around to actually making cards and printing them out.
Hubby bought me a Cricut thingy that cuts shapes and letters from papers that I thought would be nice for embellishing cards in a scrapbooking way. It sits in my dining room.. basically untouched.
UGH. I can't even think of a way to finish this post.
I have had days like that a lot lately myself
(((((HUGS)))))) Maybe one of your friends should leave you alone to do things and quit bugging you with e-mails all day long, eh? That friend needs reprimanded - she's a bad, bad girl.
I get like this too, Barb! And I feel like life is passing me by. And I'm always asking myself...is this all there is?
Its hard to not feel sorry for yourself, I do it more than I should, it helps to have someone that loves you and takes care of you. My husband is a great caretaker, I have MS, mild case so far, and he takes wonderful care of me. I blog a lot, its nice to meet new people from everywhere.
there is SOOO much i NEED to do but don't. For example I've been planning on cleaning my room and bathroom everyday for the past two weeks. Instead I make postcard, go geocaching or take a nap. hehe. O well.
I wish you could buy motivation in a bottle.
i so know that feeling skitts.
how about tomorrow you and I wake up and the first thing we do is something for us!
I am so with you. I didn't even play Sims this weekend. Just sat knitting (& re-knitting after I'd made mistakes, I have nothing to show for all that sitting & knitting) or sleeping all weekend. *sigh*
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