Sunday, February 01, 2009

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
What makes you happy?


Jan said...

Music :) My grandchildren, family, sleeping late, a warm day, zinfandel [hehe], my online buddies,Ice Cream, All My Children. I'm such a random person, huh? lol

Jeni said...

Lots of things make me happy -finding a really good book, getting more items for my embroidery stash, working on an embroidery project or sometimes, knitting, a phone call from a friend I haven't heard from in a long time. But the thing that makes me the happiest, is just being here with my grandkids, seeing them react/respond to things around them. That's my lifeline there to happiness for sure.

Misty DawnS said...

My dogs :-)
Photography :-)
Being in nature :-)
My daddy and the wolf :-)
Family & Friends :-)

Carolina said...

Listening to Corinne Bailey Rae made me happy just now!

Erika Jean said...

a good nap, a sunny day and a pool to lounge around in ;-)

Anonymous said...

Besides Lily, Luis, Frank and Jersey... photography, soul food, sticking my feet into the sand - and my friends.

Today's favorite "making Sanni happy" is: The internet works well again. It died on me about 14 days ago - and today is the first day blogs do load. YAY ;-)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Fun in the sun with my 3 best buddies.

Lucy said...

a quickie!

Life With Dogs said...


Unknown said...


masgblog said...

oh so not the right time to ask me that question :)

Anonymous said...

My bloggie friends, hugs from my Ricky baby, kisses from Seven & Annie, music (DMB in particular, of course), singing like I mean it while I'm driving, German food, and of course the occasional elusive special moment with the person with whom I've coexisted for 13 years.

Thomas said...

Nothing MAKES me happy. If that were the case, my bliss would be dependent on what's happening around me. No, I just decide that I'm going to BE happy, no matter what comes my way.