Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
What was the last compliment you received?


Anonymous said...

Yesterday, my boss's boss said that my sweater brought out the color of my eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking. Really. I honestly can't remember.

Misty DawnS said...

Yesterday, two co-workers said they liked my shirt.

Today - a few co-workers said I was a nut like them and fit right in with them... hmmmm - would that be a compliment?

Lucy said...

tonight, my husband told me he liked the way my jeans looked ( well that is NoT how he said it, but I'd rather not share his phrasing! haha)

Erika Jean said...

I don't remember.... :-( lol

Barb said...

Sara: You have beautiful eyes!

Misty: Um.. I like your shirt, too.

Lucy: Oo-la-la. :)

Autumn & Erika: check your email. :P

Queen-Size funny bone said...

My friend was telling ,me I was too nie but Im not sure it was a compliment.

Jan said...

My daughter said my hair looked pretty the way I had it fixed yesterday. But she's my hairdresser so I'm not sure that counts! LOL

Jeni said...

Tonight, at supper, Mandy and Bill both said the soup I made (made up my own recipe-concoction of potato soup with ground beef) was very tasty. But I'm thinking about a comment I received about a week ago from one of my favorite bloggers in which she said all kinds of nice things about what a special grandma I am, how good I am with my two little grandkids here and how I just have tons and tons of patience. I had to e-mail her and tell her my kids would surely tell a different story and attest -frequently -to my lack of patience.

Mom Knows Everything said...

Last night hubby said I was looking good and that you could really tell I was losing weight.

Barb said...

Queen: Not if people walk all over you. Otherwise I would say it was. :)

Tookie: Of course it counts!

Jeni: That sounds like another recipe I need to get from you.

Tammy: OoOoooOoo.. Give that man a.. um.. RC car!

Angie said...

A man walked up to me in the gym and told me I was getting skinny.
(no, he wasn't hitting on me.)(I don't think he likes women, if ya catch my drift)

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Yesterday I wore a new blouse to Sunday service. I got several compliments on it.