I think most of us have heard the saying "Can't see the forest for the trees." This means (to me anyway) that sometimes we look at the bigger picture, but miss the smaller, sometimes more important, things.
Sometimes we wait too long to see the smaller things. Until they jump up and smack you in the face demanding attention. Of course I'm not referring to anything specific...
Note: As was pointed out to me in the comments, I had this backwards. (Sheepish grin.)
Now I want to talk about something that is more specific.
I don't get to see my mom very often. Once a year if I'm lucky because she lives about 1200 miles away from me. We keep in touch via phone calls and email. Lately she sounds tired. I guess she would be after living 74 years of an up and down life. (She's a survivor though and I've learned a lot about that from her.)
Now I worry a
I know I post a lot of videos and normally I don't care if anyone takes the time to watch them or not. Please watch this one.
I love you, my friend. I wish I could make you feel better.
Too bad I didn't have a parent like the patient one referred to in the video. I could only really feel the "When I say I want to die" part. Because although my mother was often cruel, she did survive.
I kept thinking of my grandma through that video. She's 87. It's sad to see such a strong woman need help get her shirt on. My dad almost cried telling me about how she used to hike 20 miles - and now she doesn't do stairs anymore. It's hard to watch.
Yes, it is difficult when family live so far apart. My own children are now scattered all over the country.
I can relate with your post. My parents live in another continent. I miss them so much but we only see each other a few times a year when they visit the country.
The video made me cry a bucket that my young daughter was looking at me wondering why. Haha. I will let her watch it w/ me later.
I actually played along this week! Yes it is very difficult when families far away. Mine is only a ferry ride away but even sometimes that seems to far.
Big hugs!
I've lost both mine...my mom first in 1990 and then my dad in 1994. It's still a rough row to hoe sometimes, and I continue to think of them daily. The hurt of losing them has receded, but the memories, good and bad, remain. I consider you a very lucky woman to have your mom still with you, even if it's miles away.
My Heads or Tails is all about the sea that surrounds me at home, and the Art Museum by the sea. Also, in a separate blog entry below my HoT, I have a Firefox Tip --if you use the Firefox Browser-- for SEEing images and documents enlarged without leaving the homepage. Stop by for a visit, won't you? Happy Tuesday.
Lovely video. I lost both my grandparents last year and while having them live with me during the last 5 years of their lives wasn't always easy I wouldn't have traded the experience for anything.
I read about your mother and I'm extra glad that mine is so close. I know how hard it is to be far away from someone you love when they need help and/or comfort.
Tabbikat's Thoughts
Barb, I'll have to come back for the video. I lost my mother in 2000 (although, as you may remember from prior posts, she's still getting credit card offers) and my father in 2001. Both were lost to cancer. It was terrible to see parents waste away like that... people that I relied on for strength and support (whether I admitted it or not).
I'm going to have to remember to come back here tonight... when I'm not at work... and watch the video. I started to, and realized I didn't have time to focus on it and SEE it. Thank you for sharing... I'll be back tonight.
Thanks so much for posting this video... I have been thinking alot about m,y own parents lately too...my dads health isn't good anymore, and they live far away....
It's not easy being far from family...fortunately, I lived close to my parents before they passed on.
my mom is in florida Skitts I know how u feel. At least we are lucky enough to still have them, so many of my friends don't. touching post sweetheart! xox
Getting old really sucks if you ask me. Especially when our parents go and do it too.
I always took that saying to mean that we can't see the big picture because we get bogged down in all the little details.
I don't get to see my mom very often, either since my parents moved to Kentucky. They used to be about 3 hours away, which wasn't too bad.
I really enjoyed the video. Since my parents live next door to my brother and his family, they'll be the ones who really need to remember all that stuff on a daily basis!
My parents are gone now and when I see an old person similar to the ones referred to in the video I remind myself that it won't be too much longer and I will be there too. I find it a little scary the thought of aging and dying.
you're lucky to still have your mom. i lost both my parents when i was 15. thanks for sharing the video.
even i see my mom twice a year .. m waiting for the next trip this month end now !!!
Being raised by my grandparents meant losing my 'parents' sooner than most. They had basically saved me, so it was in my mind that they would ALWAYS be there to save me.
As far as being away from your parents... well, you know how much I miss my daddy. ;-)
Great post, Barb.
This video really makes me miss my parents. I lost them both to cancer.
My mom stays 1200 kilometers away from where I live. And no amount of talking on the phone really fills the gap.
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