Monday, April 06, 2009

Amazing Grace

The amazing blogger Grace was kind enough to give me this award. Thank you, Grace! Ah but with all good things in life there are conditions. Ok, not ALL good things. My task is to list seven things I love. Here we go...
  1. I love sunshine.. on a cloudy day.
  2. I "love" my new laptop computer.
  3. I love traveling and seeing this beautiful country. (Hubby would love to see a moose.)
  4. I love having someone to talk to.. Who's not trying to get away while giving me the STFU look. (Laugh.)
  5. I love having all the laundry done. I manage to do this and still keep up on other things like vacuuming the lampshades.
  6. I love emailing back and forth with someone special about the adventures of my guinea pig.(Don't ask..)
  7. I love my Banana. (Don't ask..)
  8. Last but not least, I love my family. Hubby. Oldest son and his wife. Younger son and his wife. Daughter. My five grandchildren. My mom. And all you bloggers. For you have also become a part of my family.
Oops. I did eight. I'm such a rebel.

The fine print says I have to tag some people. Okie dokie. I tag (in alphabetical order):
  1. Carolina from Brinkbeest. She is a funny lady with who blogs about people getting lost in the maze of her house and other things in her life. Usually with a sense of humor.
  2. Curmudgeon, the blogger from Second Effort. He blogs about his Long Suffering spouse and newsy items. His witty way with words is always a joy to read.
  3. Jeni over at Down River Drivel writes the longest posts of anyone I know, but also leaves long and thoughtful comments. She freely shares her life, family, and all it's ups and downs.
  4. Lulu a.k.a. Lucy. I think I first met her when I read a hilarious post about her husband and his love of ironing. She is a delightful mixture of laughter and seriousness. But never boring!
  5. Tabbikat's Thoughts was a Featured Blog of the Month at Heads Or Tails a while back and it was then that I started getting to know Tricia. She is such a nice lady and I love when she does her Idol recaps.
If I didn't mention YOU here, it doesn't mean I think you are in some way a less Kreative blogger than the ones I tagged. I hope you know that! ♥


Misty DawnS said...

Your guinea pig goes on adventures? Hmph... that's kinda strange :-P

Sunnnnnny days... pushing the clouds awaaaaaaaaaayyyy Don't I have the purtiest singing voice you ever heard??? shup

Barb said...

Yep, she does! Imagine that!!!

Grace said...

Now you KNOW that I have to ask about banana.... come on... spill it...LOL

Oh... and on the headstand thing... I never could have attempted this 2 years ago... I've changed my eating habits and am now about 70 lbs less than I was in July 2007...

Grace said...

I'm a stalker now... LMBO...
On #4... I see this being something my oldest daughter will love some day (if she doesn't already)...

Would you come do my laundry? Please?

The Curmudgeon said...

What a nice thing. Thank you.

Barb said...

Grace: Is stalking better than lurking? Hmm.. Banana is the nickname for my puppy, Hannah. What did YOU think? :P

Curmudgeon: I have to be honest and say you're my favorite Curmudgeon. :)

Carolina said...

hehehe, thank you my lovely blogfriend. This isn't the one I gave you though, this is a new one for me and I'm proud to receive it. I will pick it up after I've done some thinking about the 5 things I love (could take the easy way out and mention our cats one by one, hmmm).

I hope you're feeling better and that your banana is doing OK.

I have an awahard, I have an awahard, tumtietumtiedumdum.....


Barb said...

Carolina: It isn't? Which one did you give me then? Psst.. it's seven things. :P

Jeni said...

Well, thank you Ma'am!
I've been trying -and trying some more -to cut back on the wordage in my posts, comments too but sadly, it seems to be a bit of an impossibility to tame that urge to put in just another line, then paragraph, etc. etc. The post I put up yesterday should be considered a record for me with respect to words, huh?
I'll have to give some thought now to the seven things request. I really do hate having to think so much though.

Barb said...

Jeni: Nooo that was meant in a nice way!!! Silly goose. :)

Mom Knows Everything said...

Congratulations! You ROCK!

Barb said...

Tammy: Thanks! You're not so bad yourself!

Misty DawnS said...

So... you're saying you don't like my purty singing voice?
*going to the corner to sulk*

Lucy said...

i just have to ask about your banana!
Congrats on a well deserved award and thanks for passing it on to me! Me?? are u sure?? Wow.. you are a pal!

Lucy said...

ooops just read the comments above.. got my banana answer! NOT what I expected! jaja

Barb said...

Misty: Oops.. did I forget to say how much I LOVE your singing. (Gee, you're so high maintenance. :P)

Lucy: Yep! I'm very, very sure!!!