Monday, April 06, 2009

Heads Or Tails # 85 - List Three

You can play this at Heads Or Tails!


Today we're to make a list of three things from category of our choice. List three things ??? I'm kind of busy cooking, cleaning and getting ready to watch TV!

Oh wait. That WAS three things!!! (Blink)

First I'm going to list three things about my being fat fluffy:
  1. I have to double tie my shoelaces because I can't reach my feet unless I'm sitting in a chair. I would be stuck having them untied while shopping or whatever.
  2. It takes a long time to dry off after a shower. I have a lot of things to lift up and push out of the way.
  3. I think I'm probably fat fluffy because I eat too much and sit on my butt most of the day. Maybe.
Next I'm going to list three things that I've posted about on my blog that I shouldn't have:
  1. This.
  2. That.
  3. The other thing.
Because I'm a bit anal, I'm even going to do another list of three things! This one is three things my guinea pig has done (Don't ask):
  1. Stolen my hubby's RC vehicles and taken them to Missouri.
  2. Led a movement to protest the painting of a windmill.
  3. Took the fish from my home's aquarium on a field trip, causing them to gasp for air, flop around, and die. (Poor things..)



Robyn Jones said...

that was a great post Barb....Hope your having a good week...

Anonymous said...

Wow your guinea pig is mean. :P Have a great week. ;-)

Misty DawnS said...

You mean Gina didn't bother with CPR??? I gave her CPR training last time she flew here! Geesh.

peppylady (Dora) said...

3 things are great.

Coffee is on.

Lucy said...

haha YOU are too funny!! how about velcro shoes?? I have a funny shoe story to tell u..but I will email so there is room for others to comment!
I am stumped on a list of 3, how pathetic does that make me today??

Smalltown RN said...

Those are great lists of three

Autumn said...

Personally, my issue right now about being "fluffy" is trying to shave my legs. There are spots that I haven't reached in...let's just say a while.

Yeah, "That" can be pretty touchy! lol

I think Gina (that is her name, right?) would get along famously with Annie. Delinquent pets.

Forgetfulone said...

I was gonna do Give me 3 Steps! I love that song!

Anonymous said...

well, i'm fluffy too ;)because i do a lot of #3...

have a great day!!!

anthonynorth said...

Enjoyed this :-)
By the way, I listed 3 monsters in the first poem on my post.

Hootin Anni said...

From your 3rd list...the 2nd one....WAY TO GO!!!! I always admire and stick by those who feel so compelled to fight the system!!!!

My Three are up now. See you at my place. Be there, or be square! [LOL]

Grace said...

And here I thought you were going to list your three adult kids... :)

Dawn said...

You crack me up! I am fluffy, so I can relate to your first list of 3. :-)

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm anal too. I listed 3 things about 3 things :)

I'm "fluffy" too. But I working on becoming not-so-fluffy! :)

Lisa - Life is Like a Box of Legos said...

Excellent lists and choice of song!!!! Three is a great number ... three 3's even better! Have a great day -

The Curmudgeon said...

Like the song choice....

I particularly liked the list of three things you blogged about that you regret..... Very good.

bcmomtoo said...

Great lists. I thought of doing multiple lists - maybe even 3 - but stopped with one because I have to accomplish something today.

Your guinea pig is really busy, isn't she?

Tumblewords: said...

I'm making a note - do not read Barb's posts while drinking coffee. Hooting.

Berni said...

Fluffy is a great word, I think I will start using that, I am a bit fluffy around the middle.

Karen said...

I can't ask??? I want to know! What kind of Guinea pig does those things?

Tina said...

lol your guinee pig sounds like a fun one!! you wouldnt think it would you ha ha!

i had a mind blank this week so didnt play sorry :( but im lovin the new hots badge in your post. i shall grab that for mine next time ;)

lupusurvivor said...

you have got a nice guinea pig there!

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, why did you tell me it was easy? I was doomed to failure from the beginning! I mixed up the prompts and did next week's. :( bummer

Loved your lists and your sense of humor always leaves me giggling.

Mom Knows Everything said...

That guinea pig is a rebel. He needs a black leather biker jacket. ;o)