Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I Amuse Myself

Yay! I did it! I did it!!!

I just got a call from, you guessed it, a telemarketer. Not the one who's been calling me. They must still be trying to figure out how to sneak a web cam into work. This one was from an insurance company offering me great rates.

*Ring, ring*

Me: Hello?

Him: Hi, this is Jake calling from blah blah blah.

Me: HI JAKE! How are you today?

Him: Not bad thanks.

Me: I'm doing good, too. I just took my puppy out for a walk, and she pooed. It's so hard to potty train a puppy, so I'm happy about that.

Him: *uncomfortable laugh* Well.. that's good...

Me: At least the sun is out today. How is it where you are?

Him: I'm calling about..

Me: I think I'm going to make chili dogs for dinner. Do you like chili dogs?

Him: Yeah..

Me: Should I make fries or Tater Tots to go with them?

Him: Definitely Tater Tots.

Me: What are you having for dinner, Jake?

Him: I'm not sure yet. Maybe something liquid.

Me: Ohh you mean like alcohol? Or something like Slim Fast?

Him: *Silence*

Me: Can you hang on? I need some more coffee. I'll be right back. (I go get coffee for real, then come back.)

Him: *dial tone*


Mom Knows Everything said...


Misty DawnS said...

Bwaaaaaaahahahahhahahaha I can SO SO see you doing this!

I did this once, but it backfired on me, I learned all about Tamara, when her vacation was, where she was going, that she might be moving there... then I heard all about her boyfriend, what he does for a living, etc.

Yeah... it can backfire.

Barb said...

Tammy: Hehe.. thanks!

Misty: You can see it cuz you've talked to me and know it's how I am. :P

Robyn Jones said...

LOL! THat is AWESOME! Way to go Barb... I think we should all start doing that ...maybe the telemarketer companies would get the hint...while we are at it, maybe to bill collectors has been a few years since i have had any calls from them..but that would be fun too...

Brenda K said...

LMBO! My husband did something like that once too...but he pretended they called a Chinese food restaurant and tried to take the telemarketer's order! The poor guy on the other end didn't know WHAT to say at first, but by the end of the call he was in stitches too!

Barb said...

Robyn: You started it. LOL!!!

Brenda: I'm not clever enough to be anything except my lonely talkative self. ;) Who are you? I must go check..

Grace said...

This is the best part:
"Me: What are you having for dinner, Jake?
Him: I'm not sure yet. Maybe something liquid.
Me: Ohh you mean like alcohol? Or something like Slim Fast?
Him: *Silence*"

Barb said...

Grace: At least I found a way to shut him up. Haha!

Jan said...

OMG!! That's the BEST EVAH!!! I'm sitting here almost peeing in my pants! hehehehee

Jan said...

hahahah I just have to say I loooooove your joke up there ^! LOLOL

Barb said...

Tookie: They sell Depends down there in Louisiana? LOL!

Sara said...

OMG! Hilarious! I was laughing so much that I had to read the dialogue to my co-worker.
I am so proud that you got up the nerve to do it! I don't know if I could, but I would like to.
He was super uncomfortable, but he will have a good story to tell his co-workers!

Barb said...

Sara: But did you tell the coworker you're related to me? :P

Sara said...

Yup, I prefaced it with a little bit about how you talk to cashiers. :)

Barb said...

Sara: I talk to cashiers??? Are you sure that's me??? :P

Anonymous said...

Perfect! Next time, please record it and put it on You Tube. You will be FAMOUS! People will hire you and ask you for tips on technique. ;)

You're sense of humor cracks me up. Oh, I've already said that haven't I? Well, thanks for sharing it at my place.

And thanks for answering the question.

Tricia said...

Too funny! I had to go share with my Mother.

Barb said...

byrningbunny: You mean I'm not already famous??

Tricia: It's nice to share. :)

Autumn said...

Oh, I'm literally laughing so hard tears are in my eyes. You rock!

Barb said...

Autumn: That's the second time I was told I rock. When do I get to roll? :)

Autumn said...

As long as you don't trip out of a restaurant booth to do it, you're fine. (Of course that's something I've done.)

Autumn said...

Oh, btw, got somethin' for ya.

Lucy said...

Now I can't wAIT to get a telemarketer on the phone!
watch... Now they will stop calling me
YOU Are a hoot! I would love a youtube of this convo!! xox

Erika Jean said...

Lol!! you amuse me to! keep up the awesome phone answering!

Barb said...

Lucy: Um.. I can't do YouTube.. I'm shy :P

Erica: It was more fun than geocaching. *wink*

Terri said...

Too friggin cool! You rock lady! can't wait to try this myself!

Barb said...

Terri: If you do it you have to tell us!!!

pictureeachday said...

HA! Your comment on Carolina's blog led my telemarketer-hating self over here to check it out. Toooo funny :D

Carolina said...

OOoohhhhwwww!!!! YOU'RE GOOD!!!!!! are GREAT and an example to all of us!

Oh, poor innocent telemarketeer, please call me tonight. Pretty please?

(oh, and we have a babygirl added to our family, photos on my blog)

Barb said...

pictureeachday: Welcome to my crazy world! :)

Carolina: Oh please don't let me be an example for anything. LOL

The Curmudgeon said...

Barb, you're right... I might have missed this if you hadn't given me the link... and this was worth looking at.

Inspirational, I might say.

Barb said...

Curmudgeon: It's my job to inspire. Didn't you know that? :P

Karen said...

OMG! This cracked me up!