Thursday, May 21, 2009

Agent Gina

Some of you may already know about my famous guinea pig Gina. She's outdone herself now. Have you seen the commercial for the new Disney movie "G-Force"?? Take a peak.

You know about hidden scenes in movies that fly by so fast you don't realize it? Here's some you may not have noticed..

(Produced by Gina)

(And featuring Agent Gina!)
Gina assures me the G in G-Force stands for "Gina."

In other news my five month old puppy isn't feeling well today. She's had the runs all night and this morning. If she didn't have a colon cleanse before then she's getting one now. Poor baby..

I called the Vet and they said I could bring her in or try something at home first which is to give her a child's dose of Pepto and don't feed her for 12 hours. Then just a little bit like maybe a jar of meat and rice baby food.

We're going to try it at home for now, but keep an eye on her.

1 comment:

Misty DawnS said...

When I saw that commercial during Idol last night, I about died. I immediately said "GINA!" and ran for the phone to call you. Oh wait - you already knew that, cuz I called you :-P

My poor poor Banana. If you give a banana Pepto, does it turn pink? Inquiring minds need to know... well, ok just me, and I don't really NEED to know, I just... Oh, I'll shup now.