Saturday, May 02, 2009

Camera Critters - Hannah 19 Weeks

You can play this at Camera Critters.


"Mom? Is it OK if I go get some toys???"

You may not see them all, but there are 15 toys in this picture.
Yes, she brought them all in there.

Note: I shouldn't play this because my weekends are full of things away from blogging. I'm awful about reciprocating and I perfectly understand if you choose not to comment.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

oh yeah, she's not spoiled.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I bet she even get Christmas toys.

Coffee is on.

I got picture of my cat and dog over on my blog.
I better warn you. I'm in the picture to.

Misty DawnS said...

I wanna come over and play with the Banana!!!

Mom Knows Everything said...

OMG look at that face!!! Adorable!!!

Carolina said...

She is soooo cute! Do you think she has enough toys? I never let my dogs read all the blogs about dogs (as if they could), because they will get so jealous. They have a crazy fluorescent yellow bone, a tennisball and a squeeky ball to play with. That's it! And we also always forget their birthdays. Think of all the cake we could have been eating.... stupid us!

Yeah, I'm back! And doing fine (thanks for caring sweet blogfriend). Just could not bring myself to open the laptop for the past three weeks. But I will better my life and keep you all updated. First attempt has already been posted.

How are you doing? I will make some time tomorrow to catch up on your blog. God, this catching up with all you lovely blogfriends may take me months *sigh*

Hugs xx

Lucy said...

awww what a face! so so cute !xo

Jan said...

Oh wow! Look how much she's grown!!