Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sick As A Dog

The dog in the clip art doesn't look sick, but it does look like it has boobies so I thought I'd use it. They're perkier than mine. I may be jealous.

I have been sick as a dog though and it's not getting better. Cough, wheezing, sore throat, slight fever, tired, achy. Wetting myself every time I cough. Oh yes. I'll admit it. I do so normally to some degree but with a frequent cough it's almost a routine occurrence. I'm sending hubby out later to get me some of those Poise pads.. or diapers. Not Depends. I don't think they make them in size XXXX.

We have good insurance which may be something like Total Merchant Services but there's a new $100 copay for ER visits. I'm not sure how much one of those med centers might be. I may find out very soon.


Christine and FAZ said...

Get well soon!

Carolina said...

Poor Barb. Hope you feel better soon. As long as you don't feel the urge to wear a sombrero....
Or is that a really insensitive thing to say?

Get well soon dear ;-)

Erika Jean said...

Feel better soon. you should check out the Take Care clinics at Walgreens, I think it cost me 60 bucks or so - without insurance. alos... Urgent care might not be AS much as the hospital. I hope you don't have the Swine Flu :-/

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Don't wait too long since all this flu stuff us going around. take care. feel better.

Lucy said...

awwww poor barb.. wish I could send u some chicken soup! Please see a doc! better to be cautious! In between coughs.. please do try to do some Keagels! :))) xoxo

Berni said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Robyn Jones said...

Hope your feeling better...Go to your doctor..h1n1 going around, and although it isn't hitting most people seriously, it is probably good to know...
Some people around our neighborhood have had it..