Saturday, May 09, 2009

Take Another Little Piece..

Take another little piece of my heart now baby. That's how I've been feeling all day. Just like the Janice Joplin song. I correct myself. It's how I feel a LOT of the time.

My husband is a good man. He's a hard worker. He doesn't drink, fool around with other women, or God forbid, beat me. (I can't say the same about my first husband.) What he does sometimes almost feels worse.

He ignores me.

I wonder how many pieces of a person's heart can be taken before there isn't any heart left to give?


Grace said...

I could probably say a whole ton of things right now, none of them appropriate or helpful... so I'll just leave it at this...


Carolina said...


hugs to you my friend

Anonymous said...

That's tough. I would hate that.

masgblog said...

many...then none

Forgetfulone said...

So sorry. I do know the feeling, though. Add drinking to my man's list. Big hugs to you. Sorry I haven't been around much, but I HAVE been thinking about you.

Misty DawnS said...

Swing your shirt over your head and demand some damn attention! ;-P

Bethany said...

(((hugs))) to you. Thinking of you!