The theme/prompt for this week, June 9, is:
HEADS - "Tune"
Make any kind of post using the theme/prompt "Tune."
Anyone that knows me knows I couldn't carry a TUNE in a bucket. Even I know it, so that's bad. I'm not like those wannabes that try out for Idol thinking they can sing.
Yet, I like to sing. Therein lies the problem.
One way to work around this is to only sing alone in my car. Another is to just turn the music up really loud so my voice can't be heard. The second option works better cuz I don't know most of the words to most songs anyway.
Here's a TUNE I love and do know most of the words to. Be careful. I'm singing while listening to it!!! (Why don't you sing, too?)
well now where do I begin??? what a great post.
where did you dig up this film of elton...well I guess it does say youtube doesn't it? My lord how young he is in here...he was kind of cute! I didn't hear ya sining tho...so you must have been in tune!! LOL
I love to sing too!! and I have been told not to give up my day job! do you think that was a hint?
I had fun doing my post! These memes make ya think....God I try not to do that too often :-) Hugs L
That's an awesome song - I'm sorry to say, I don't know it well enough to sing along though...
Thanks for sharing and I love today's theme!
Have a great day!
I love Elton John. I know all his songs by heart and I do sing along. Thanks for a great TUNE!
I can't sing. But I remember when I was in a local rock band - I was a guitarist - I sang with the others in backing vocals. It took ages before I realised the roadie was instructed to not quite put the plug for my mike all the way into the amp.
What a YOUNG Elton John. My tune-ship works best in the shower. LOL
Tho, not a shower, mine's posted.
LOVE that song!
I really liked Elton John, back in the days before he went barkin' mad...
Anyway, I'm with you on the singing - there isn't a bucket large enough to carry the help I'd need to sing well.
I just realized we live in the same state. I'm in the UP, though. Wish it'd quit raining!!!
Have a great Tuesday!
I can't carry a tune either. I'll only attempt to sing along if I think nobody is listening.
You could try the shower... :)
Singing is always fun when you are alone! You are just having fun by yourself.
I can't carry a tune either, so I do a lot of singing in the shower :) Happy HOT day Skittles :)
BTW Loved the vid clip!
I am an Elton John fan...and I love this clip..thanks for sharing...Have a great day Barb...by the way...Heads and Tails is under the memes tab on my blog...I have been doing some housekeeping.... :)
My 16-year old recently discovered this song -- apparently music from the 60s and 70s was a big topic of conversation on the bench on his baseball team. He was actually impressed when I punched it up for him to add to his MP3.
And how often do we actually impress a teenager?
Haven't heard that song in a long time.
i too LOVE to sing especially in the car but don't sound as good as I do to me to others!!?? I don't get it!
LOVE older elton john stuff.. this one especially!
Hold me closer tiny buttah! xoxo
LOVE this song! I'm singing too
;-) Co-workers are looking at me kinda funny...
Look at how young he is!
Oh, whodathunk we share the same no-tune bucket? It would be fun to be a singster, wouldn't it? A good one, that is. PS. I think dog training is going well.
I have never heard that tune before but maybe now I have just bought a radio that gets two stations out here in the boonies I might who knows
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