Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just A Quickie

Just a quickie..
Which do you buy most often? No fat or sugar free?


Misty DawnS said...

What??? I'm sorry, but I don't speak this language ;-)

Pssst - the fish and the snail are hidin cuz they drank the Dr. Pepper and ate the Doritos!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Everything sugar free and fat free milk. My husband is a diabetic and the rest of us are just fat.

Autumn said...

Sugar free

Ziggy Stardust said...

My husband is diabetic, so sugar free wins here.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


ShannonW said...

The Man is diabetic so I try to buy sugar free items.

Berni said...

Sugar free I don't worry about fat

LA Nickers said...

We buy low-fat or no-fat - for sure.

Still, we avoid simplesse and similar concoctions.


SIMPLY SNICKERS – weekly poetry prompts

Jeni said...

I tend to ignore both of those type of things as is evidenced by my ever-expanding backside perhaps.

Forgetfulone said...

Fat free. My doctor said I had to lower my cholesterol or go on medication. I've got a couple more months left.

Robyn Jones said...

neither...I try to avoid healthy food...that stuff will kill you...

Lucy said...