Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dum Dums

Me and Dum Dum suckers have become very good friends. Other than the lozenges I use, Dum Dums keep me from wanting to smoke. Willpower helps, too. The first time we bought a regular size bag. The next time we bought the humongous one. It's halfway gone now.

Sometimes I have one with my coffee and probably would have one with Nespresso if I had some of that. I have one hanging out of my mouth when I take the dog for a walk. I drive with one in my mouth. After meals I grab one when I used to grab a cigarette. Of course with all that sugar I brush my teeth a few times a day.

Mr. Skittles shares the suckers with me. Remember? He quit smoking, too. We both have stashes of them scattered around the Skittles home.

Puppy Hannah has decided to pretend she gave up smoking so she can share the suckers. I guess with us quitting she DID quit in a way. No more second hand smoke.


masgblog said...

too funny about Hannah....

Autumn said...

The last time I tried, I got used to sugar-free lollies.

Anonymous said...

The Dum Dums are a good idea -- not alot of calories, and a better addiction that smoking ( they mess with your sugar levels? maybe sugar free suckers??

I love the pictures of Hannah and the suckers. Looks like she is enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

That is an ADORABLE photo.

Much cheaper than my sister's dog...who ate my dental appliance. Now he's an $800 dog. (but my insurance will replace it ;-)

Misty DawnS said...

That is SO funny! I am cracking up over here.

Sonny said...

Look at that cutie!!!