I think I've mentioned that my daughter is here helping. She was here all last week and will stay until we are moved. She's been a tremendous help, too. She keeps me motivated and steps in to do things I cannot when my mental issues come into play, which is often.
She's also gotten us hooked on Facebook. We spend a large part of every day playing the Farm Town game. We wait and watch for our crops to be ready. We plan dinner and little forays to the outside world around when it will be harvest time. Ya'll can laugh if you want, but I know a lot of you play it, too. So there. =)
We're not so much into the socializing part of Facebook. We're not looking for old schoolmates or anything. There's none I'd want to find anyway. I have connected with some of you bloggers though. *Waving at the
Not much else is new around here other than the moving and Facebook stuff. When did I get so boring???
Do you do the Facebook thing?
Well, dagnabit, Barb, you haven't found me yet on Facebook and you know I'd gladly add you as a friend!
I do the Facebook thing but don't get into the games and sending this or that to people. Just post phtos, little tidbits here and there from time to time. It's been a great way for me to keep up with my extended family though -my first cousins, their children and grandkids, etc. So I really do enjoy i for that and for keeping in contact with various friends too.
I don't do the facebook thing. I seem to spend too much time on socal internet stuff as it is, I see facebook would really be addicting for me. I have friends that talk about farmtown all the time.
Have fun with FT on FB and best for your continual move. Remember you can 'farm yourself out' and harvest for others... so you get more points (at least that's what I've gathered from others talking.
Left you a note on FB. Like Jenny there is lots I haven't got into yet.
We are looking into moving as you probably know and have been checking all the different layouts of mobiles. We could afford to buy one if we sell this place but would prefer to get some land as pad rents are almost as expensive as a mortgage. Anything up to $500 a month and a small lot may cost less to pay off.
Looking forward to seeing more pics of you all moved in.
Left you a note on FB. Like Jenny there is lots I haven't got into yet.
We are looking into moving as you probably know and have been checking all the different layouts of mobiles. We could afford to buy one if we sell this place but would prefer to get some land as pad rents are almost as expensive as a mortgage. Anything up to $500 a month and a small lot may cost less to pay off.
Looking forward to seeing more pics of you all moved in.
Yes I FB and I too left you a note....so where are you moving to?
I'm on Facebook allllll the time, but haven't done the Farmville thing at all. I use it to keep in touch with friends and family and upload pictures mostly :)
OH Barb I just looked at your previous posts....nice home...I am sure you and Mr. Skittles will be very happy there.....good luck with the move....
I stalked...I mean found you! hehe! I'm addicted to it too. They got lots of new stuff for FarmTown lately. I love the garden gnomes!!!
wait just a cotton-picken' minute missy -
U told me you didn't DO FB.
I see....
heh, your page looks AWESOME BTW!
I'm a farmtown junkie! Facebook is why I don't visit blogs as often as I used to!
Hi there, haven't been visiting you for a while now, haven't been blogging for about three months, so you are not the only one I've neglected ;-)
Gosh, I guess there is a lot to catch up with. You are moving! Wow, what kind of place are you going to? And how is Hannah?
Good luck with the packing and sorting out stuff. What fun! ;-(
See you!
I have a facebook account; but I don't do anything with it. I used to do all the apps on myspace, once upon a time.
Calico Contemplations
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